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- Stealing land the smart growth way December 6, 2013
- There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap. August 18, 2013
- Arrest THAT tomato!! August 16, 2013
- Out and about in your green ghetto- America 2050 August 1, 2013
- One Big Club and YOU ain’t in it! July 30, 2013
- Riding the green train into hell July 29, 2013
Monthly Archives: May 2011
Wednesday June 1st Sheriff Richard Mack
June 1st Sheriff Richard Mack There’s a new Sheriff in town, one that knows his/her role as the ONLY elected Law Enforcement Officer, is to protect the citizens of their county. Does your Sheriff know their true role? Well … Continue reading
Tuesday May 31st Clarice Ryan Montanans for Multiple Use
May 31st Clarice Ryan Clarice Ryan joins me to discuss her multiple year battle to stop the assault on property rights in her great state of Montana. George Washington said, property rights and liberty go hand in hand, you … Continue reading
Sunday May 29th William Taylor Reil Constitution
May 29th William Taylor Reil William Taylor Reil who is a self taught Constitutional Scholar, joins me to discuss the basis for our form and government and why the founding fathers chose a Representative Republic over a democracy. What does … Continue reading
Thursday May 26th Rosa Koire Democrats Against UN Agenda 21
May 26th Rosa Koire Rosa Koire joins me again to talk about what it’s like to be “Delphi’d”. Don’t know what delphi’d is? Well, you’ll be shocked to know it is being done to you more often than you … Continue reading
Wednesday May 25th Don Casey
May 25th Don Casey Don Casey joins me again to discuss food sheds, vehicle miles traveled tax and land patents. What are these you ask? Never heard of them you say? Well, in the famous words of Betty Davis, buckle up everybody you’re … Continue reading
Tuesday May 24th Frank Jorge
May 24th Frank Jorge Hear Frank on Saturdays at 5pm PST on on “The Frank and Shannon Show” Frank has been a longtime fighter against ILLEGAL immigration. Frank came to this country LEGALLY in 1957. Frank always wondered, as … Continue reading
Sunday May 22th Virginia Farver
May 22th Virginia Farver We will be talking about smart meters, cell phones and various other devices whose safety has yet to be determined. Do you want someone else to decide when you can have electricity? Who are they to … Continue reading
Thursday May 19th William Kay
May 19th William Kay Environmentalism is Fascism. I agree with this statement. And it’s also communism. And the green pushers hail from both sides of the fence. They are not one group.
Wednesday May 18th Larry Bell author Climate of Corruption
May 18th Larry Bell Larry Bell joins me to discuss his book, Climate of Corruption. He’ll discuss the politics and power behind the global warming hoax. And it is a hoax, indeed. So Larry’s dedicates his book to Al … Continue reading
Tuesday May 17th Cathie Adams, Eagle Forum International Issues Chairman
May 17th Cathie Adams Cathie Adams, Eagle Forum International Issues Chairman Former Ch GOP Tx joins me to discuss the Green Climate Fund and how it will be fundamentally transforming the Global Economy. Oh, here’s that “green” word again. What … Continue reading
Sunday May 15th Dan Roberts discusses ATF’s “Project Gunrunner”
May 15th Dan Roberts ( New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense) ( New Jersey Second Amendment Society) (Pennsylvania Firearms Owners Association) Dan Roberts returns to discuss the illegal firearms sales the ATF encouraged … Continue reading
Thursday May 12th James Simpson
May 12th James Simpson My guest on Thursday May 12th will be Jim Simpson who writes for a variety of publications including Andrew Brietbart’s “Big Government”. We will be discussing several of his articles including his expose on UN … Continue reading
Oleg Atbashian author Shakedown Socialism The illusion of “social justice”
May 11th Oleg Atbashian Oleg grew up in the USSR and lived to tell the tale. So what is life really like under the illusion of “social justice”? Well, we shall find out. I don’t think there is much … Continue reading
Tuesday May 10th Trevor Loudon
May 10th Trevor Loudon Trevor Loudon joins me to discuss the commies who have infiltrated our government, schools and many other places. Oh, it’s gonna be good. Communism is so wonderful; I don’t know why our founding fathers thought … Continue reading