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Recent Posts
- Stealing land the smart growth way December 6, 2013
- There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap. August 18, 2013
- Arrest THAT tomato!! August 16, 2013
- Out and about in your green ghetto- America 2050 August 1, 2013
- One Big Club and YOU ain’t in it! July 30, 2013
- Riding the green train into hell July 29, 2013
Tag Archives: Wildlands
Friday September 21st Don Casey The “greening” of…you!
Friday September 21stPreview Changes Don Casey talks about the greening of Australia, the greening of America and even, the greening of you. He discusses the International Code Council, the Coastal Zone Management program, Habitat 141, water front property owners being … Continue reading
Wednesday May 2nd Rev. Ted Pike They spy on you…
Wednesday May 2nd Hr 1 Rev Ted Pike joins me to discuss CISPA bill which would take over the internet and they would be spying on you, even more than they already do. This bill passed in the house so … Continue reading
Monday February 13th Jim Harbison, Melodee, & Terri Hall Whaddya need a road for anyway?
February 13th Jim Harbison Terri Hall Melodee Hr 1 Jim Harbison freedom fighter from New Mexico joins me to talk about the latest commie aka sustainable development maneuvers happening in his area. Jim writes an editorial every other week for … Continue reading
Wednesday January 11th You are “unsustainable”.
January 11th I had no guest so I talked to myself about what is deemed, “unsustainable” by the green commies. Here is the list I read from: http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/sustainable_development/what_is_%22unsustainable%22%3f_2003022414/
Monday January 2nd Dave Kopacz Did they really try to ban tractors off a farm?
January 2nd Dave Kopacz who is a part time conservation officer and full time patriot joins me to discuss his area regional planning commission, the APA, sending and receiving zones and a variety of “land use” issues. They tried to … Continue reading
Friday December 23rd Mimi Steel Who are the grievance and give me groups?
Decenber 23rd Mimi Steel Mimi Steel founder of the SFBay 912 Project and Citizens for Sustainable Liberty joins me to discuss what is happening in the San Francisco area. What is visioning? Consensus, wildlands, smart growth, sustainable development and light … Continue reading
Thursday Decenber 22nd What will we be cooking on our “cooking” stoves?
December 22nd Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh discusses the latest nonsense coming from the green Nazis. Cooking stoves and climate change. What are the green Nazis lying about now? Read her articles here: www.ileanajohnson.com
Monday December 5th Cathie Adams, Zulu Beehive Hut anyone?
December 5th Cathie Adams Cathie Adams from Eagle Forum joins me to discuss what the commies at the UN are plotting down at their meeting in Durbin, South Africa. Hey, a hut without windows, a hut without water, a hut … Continue reading
Friday December 2nd Don Casey Keep your hands off our rights!
December 2nd This is a replay of an earlier show www.keepourrights.org is Don Casey’s website where you can find a ton of info. Here is the description of UN Agenda 21 from Keep Our Rights “Agenda 21 is the official … Continue reading
Wednesday November 30th What is the carrying capacity of your land?
November 30th I talked to myself and some callers about the terms we hear often and what they really mean. Someone called in from Save our State, a California group that has been fighting against illegal immigration for years. Someone … Continue reading
Monday November 28th Erin Ryan Which came first, your property rights or the Coho Salmon?
November 28th Erin Ryan from the Redding Tea Party joined me today to discuss the pending demolition of four dams in northern California and Oregon. The people in the Klamath Basin are under attack by those green Nazis who seek … Continue reading
Wednesday November 23rd John R. Marler UN Agenda 21…Houston, we’ve got a problem.
November 23rd John R. Marler was my guest today. He’s a Texan fighting against the NWO and UN Agenda 21. We discussed: The Global Ethic, the book entitled Brave New Schools, and John mentioned the Arc of Hope which contained … Continue reading
Karen Budd-Falen Just how dirty is the Clean Water Act?
November 21st Karen Budd Falen My guest today was attorney Karen Budd Falen who has been fighting for property rights for years. The Clean Water Act as well as other topics were discussed. She discusses the variety of secretarial … Continue reading
Sunday November 20th Truth and UN Agenda 21
November 20th Today I talked to myself and a couple of callers about our magnificent education system, civil rights and Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. None of them have worked out very well.
Tuesday October 18th Dr. Michael Coffman www.rescuingamericabook.com
October 18th Dr. Michael Coffman Dr. Michael Coffman joins me again today to discuss the “Wildlands Map” he created and what the designations mean. He has been fighting UN Agenda 21 sustainable development for a very long time. He has … Continue reading