Category Archives: Western Civilization

Dorothy we’re not in ______ anymore.

        You can fill in the blank with any “western nation” you like. In fact, the nations formerly classified as “western” (America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand or Canada)  barely resemble their original founding people. It seems while the descendents of … Continue reading

When will the singing begin?

Do you know what a White Privilege wristband is? Here are articles tracking what they did. Of course now they claim they NEVER promoted this. They are backtracking because they were caught.    Here is the … Continue reading

Who Wants To Destroy Western Civilization? Marxists!

         Marxists are everywhere. They disguise themselves well. They like to hide within our institutions.  “I understand that you love freedom, but in our crowded world you have to pay a tax for freedom. You cannot love freedom for yourselves … Continue reading

Let’s undermine traditional values, shall we?

  The roots of the United Nations — the most visible part of the new global management system — might be compared to the many deep and spreading roots of a tenacious vine. Some of the roots are short and … Continue reading


We are all approaching exit zero and only some of us know it, most of us don’t.   In March 1980, when the industrial firm Wisconsin Steel abruptly closed its main mill in southeast Chicago, longtime employee Charles Walley was … Continue reading

Friday Nov. 16th The last paragraph…

Friday Nov. 16th No guest today just me discussing several topics. There is no place to hide though oddly many  believe there is. Nope. It’s just a dream. Facial recognition software is the rave. Yeah right. It’s there and you … Continue reading

Tuesday November 6th Monica Stone The tip of the spear…

Tuesday October 6th        Monica Stone joins me again to continue her exposure of the terror being perpetrated on the Boers of So. Africa. What is happening there will happen here; it’s only a matter of time. If you want to … Continue reading

Friday October 19th RamZpaul The truth is hate…

Friday October 19th  RamZpaul joins me again to continue our conversation about race, racism, nationalism, cultural marxists, refugees, multiculturalism and why the promotion of multiculturalism is only focused on majority European heritage nations: USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, and Europe. No one is … Continue reading

Friday October 12th Deanna Spingola Racists & Haters & Bigots…Oh my!

Friday October 12th     Deanna Spingola racist, hater, anti-Semite, homophobe, xenophobe, bigot, white supremacist, and Nazi who wants to kill 6 million Jews!?! YIKES…joined me to discuss the truth. She’s also the host of Spingola Speaks heard on RBN and she … Continue reading

Monday October 8th Michael Kirsch The time for NAWAPA is now!

Monday October 8th  Michael Kirsch from Larouche PAC joins me to discuss the North American Power and Water Alliance NAWAPA XXI. You can find much more information about it on here: The NAWAPA XXI plan includes the following: i) … Continue reading

Tuesday October 2nd Dr. Ricardo Duchesne Exterminate dissent…Western Civilization

 Tuesday October 2nd Western Civilization is on the ropes.  Dr. Duchesne is a professor in the department of social science at the University of New Brunswick Saint John. He completed a BA in History at McGill University and Concordia University, … Continue reading