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Recent Posts
- Stealing land the smart growth way December 6, 2013
- There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap. August 18, 2013
- Arrest THAT tomato!! August 16, 2013
- Out and about in your green ghetto- America 2050 August 1, 2013
- One Big Club and YOU ain’t in it! July 30, 2013
- Riding the green train into hell July 29, 2013
Tag Archives: code enforcement
Thursday Nov 1st Carol Schultz The cat is where it’s at!
Thursday Nov 1st The International Property Maintenance Code is the version of property maintenance code being used all across the nation ( and world). Local jurisdictions cite property owners with a myriad of violations based on this code. Most people never heard … Continue reading
Wednesday October 3rd Steve Scott The mind of a free man vs. code commies…
Wednesday October 3rd Steve Scott, smart cookie who has figured out tactics to use to fight back against the organized crime syndicate known as government. You need to do your homework, There are law dcitionaries online. You need to understand … Continue reading
Monday April 23rd Henry Lamb & Maria Rutenburg “Public servants” who serve ONLY themselves…
Monday April 23rd Hr 1 Henry Lamb joined me to discuss visioning meetings. Here is his latest newsletter. http://www.freedom21.org/Newsletters/NL-2012/nl-042112.pdf Hr 2 Maria Rutenburg joined me to discuss her fight for property rights in San Mateo Calif. Feel free to contact … Continue reading
Wednesday January 11th You are “unsustainable”.
January 11th I had no guest so I talked to myself about what is deemed, “unsustainable” by the green commies. Here is the list I read from: http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/sustainable_development/what_is_%22unsustainable%22%3f_2003022414/
Monday January 9th Ronald MacDonald You have no right to your rights, anymore.
January 9th Ronald joins me again to discuss Administrative Law, what does it really mean, codes, permits, the FRB (Federal Reserve Bank) and how to begin to fight back. Listen in, he provided great information and insight. Did you know … Continue reading
Sunday December 18th Hal Shurtleff Green codes and green teams, what are they?
December 18th Hal Shurtleff Hal Shurtleff from JBS joins me to discuss what is happening in the New England area. The green teams are out in force in Nashua N.H. You can find out info on The John Birch Society … Continue reading
Thursday November 17th Ralph Winterrowd Alaskan freedom fighter
November 17th Ralph Winterrowd host of the Ralph Winterrowd Show heard on RBN Sunday’s at 5-7pm CST joins me to discuss Jesse Ventura’s 4th Amendment suit against the TSA which went nowhere. He also discussed quit claim deeds and other … Continue reading
Wednesday November 16th Don Casey Comprehensive planning is a Communist’s dream.
November 16th My guest was Don Casey co-founder of Keep Our Rights. He has been fighting against UN Agenda 21 for 20 years. We discussed the International Code Council, unified codes, Municipal code changes that change your home from conforming … Continue reading
Tuesday November 8th Shirle Pfister FACEOFF
November 8th Shirle Pfister My guest today was Shirle Pfister from the FACEOFF movement. She has been and continues to be a victim of the code Nazis in Pensacola Florida. There is no equal justice under the law. It’s an … Continue reading
Sunday October 23rd Jimmy X from Radio X
October 23rd Jimmy X My guest is Radio X host Jimmy X. Join us as we discuss UN Agenda 21, zoning and other topics.
Wednesday October 19th William Taylor Reil
October 19th William Taylor Reil William Taylor Reil joins me to discuss zoning and related issues.
Friday October 14th William Taylor Reil
October 14th William Taylor Reil My guest was William Taylor Reil and we discussed the 2nd and the 14th amendments of the Constitution as well as, Constables and Sheriffs. There is a tab on my website with his name on … Continue reading
Thursday October 13th Bill Guild and Kevin Barber AVTO
October 13th My guests were Bill Guild and Kevin Barber from Antelope Valley Truckers Organization. You can find them on Facebook. They are helping people in the Antelope Valley of California fight back against the code Nazis who are driving … Continue reading
Thursday September 29th Christine Walsh Castle Coalition www.ij.org
September 29th Christine Walsh My guest for the first 30 minutes was Christine Walsh Director of Activism and Coalitions for the Institute of Justice. Listen in as we talk about eminent domain, civil forfeiture aka policing for profit, economic liberty and … Continue reading
Tuesday August 16th Steve Scott F.A.C.E. OFF
August 16th Steve Scott one of the unsung heroes in the property rights fight joins me to give a few suggestions on how to fight back against the property nazis. He has a lot of great info so take the … Continue reading