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Recent Posts
- Stealing land the smart growth way December 6, 2013
- There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap. August 18, 2013
- Arrest THAT tomato!! August 16, 2013
- Out and about in your green ghetto- America 2050 August 1, 2013
- One Big Club and YOU ain’t in it! July 30, 2013
- Riding the green train into hell July 29, 2013
Tag Archives: consensus
The Delphi Technique
The Delphi Technique was originally conceived as a way to obtain the opinion of experts without necessarily bringing them together face to face. In Educating for the New World Order by Bev Eakman, the reader finds reference upon reference for … Continue reading
Hegelian Dialectic
The essence of the Hegelian Dialectic is to assume opposing views (the thesis and the antithesis) and to work toward a resolution that both sides can accept (the synthesis). This sounds like a very reasonable approach (which it is in … Continue reading
Wednesday September 19th Dave Kopacz Smile you’re on Community Access TV!
Wednesday September 19th This podcast is available on www.oriontalkradio.com under the archive section. I will be posting the podcast on my site shortly. I am temporarily unable to post podcasts due to computer issues. Dave Kopacz joined me to offer ideas … Continue reading
Friday December 23rd Mimi Steel Who are the grievance and give me groups?
Decenber 23rd Mimi Steel Mimi Steel founder of the SFBay 912 Project and Citizens for Sustainable Liberty joins me to discuss what is happening in the San Francisco area. What is visioning? Consensus, wildlands, smart growth, sustainable development and light … Continue reading
Wednesday October 5th Tom Deweese American Policy Center
October 5th Tom Deweese Tom Deweese founder of American Policy Center joins me to discuss UN Agenda 21 and offers ideas to combat it. Tom has been a freedom fighter for 40 years and has been actively working to … Continue reading
Dean Gotcher The hustling of you…
September 15th Dean Gotcher http://authorityresearch.com Dean Gotcher is the founder and director of the Institution for Authority Research. His background is in education, European history and philosophy. His extensive research in the area of education reform has given him exceptional … Continue reading
Wednesday August 31st Heather Gass The East Bay Tea Party
August 31st Heather Gass www.theeastbayteaparty.com Heather gass joins me to discuss some of the things they have been doing in the San Francisco area to fight against UN Agenda 21 which is rolling down the pike like a steamroller. Listen in.
Henry Lamb “Comprehensive Plans” and you…
August 25th Henry Lamb www.sovereignty.net www.freedom21.org Henry joins me again to discuss “global governance”, White House Rural Council, visioning, consensus, NGO’s, comprehensive land use plans and the list goes on of the many ways they seek to enslave us. One … Continue reading
Thursday August 11th Vicki Davis Channeling Reality
August 11th Vicki Davis Vicki joins me again to discuss the “battle of ideas and systems”, “trojan triangles” and “meta” language.
Wednesday August 10th Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
August 10th Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Dr. Johnson Paugh joins me again to discuss the “six livability principles” and what they mean. What do they really mean? You can read her articles on Canadafreepress.com and you can also buy her … Continue reading
Wednesday August 3rd Vicki Davis channeling reality
August 3rd Vicki Davis www.channelingreality.com Vicki Davis former systems analyst joins me to discuss her research into “free trade zones”. Free? There ain’t nothin’ free about them, but don’t tell anyone; we don’t want the masses rising against their master. … Continue reading
Wednesday July 6th Ron Ewart, National Assoc. of Rural Landowners
July 6th Ron Ewart http://www.narlo.org/ Ron Ewart joins me from the group National Association of Rural Landowners. They have been fighting for the rights of property owners for a long time. Please listen and check out their website. They have … Continue reading
Tuesday July 5th replay of Friday June 24th
June 24th F.A.C.E. OFF Kim Fahey, Shirley Phister and Joe Solis http://brevardcountyfaceoffmovement.blogspot.com/ http://californiafaceoffmovement.blogspot.com/ F.A.C.E. OFF Kim Fahey, Shirley Phister and Joe Solis were my guests. Shirley Phister asks if anyone has any ideas for a lawyer to please email her: … Continue reading
Thursday June 30th Henry Lamb www.freedom21.org
June 30th Henry Lamb www.freedom21.org Doreen Hannes guest hosts for me and her guest is Henry lamb. He has been a freedom fighter fighting against UN Agenda 21 sustainable development for a very long time. Freedom21 is the manifestation of the belief … Continue reading
Wednesday June 22nd Janna Legg www.weekendmorningbuzz.blogspot.com
June 22nd Janna Legg http://www.weekendmorningbuzz.blogspot.com http://www.agenda21library.co.cc Janna Legg joins me to discuss UN Agenda 21 and her fight against it. What boulders and jagged edges line our path to “sustainability”? Are their cliffs ahead and blind curves? Of course, UN Agenda 21 … Continue reading