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Recent Posts
- Stealing land the smart growth way December 6, 2013
- There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap. August 18, 2013
- Arrest THAT tomato!! August 16, 2013
- Out and about in your green ghetto- America 2050 August 1, 2013
- One Big Club and YOU ain’t in it! July 30, 2013
- Riding the green train into hell July 29, 2013
Tag Archives: environment
Monday October 8th Michael Kirsch The time for NAWAPA is now!
Monday October 8th Michael Kirsch from Larouche PAC joins me to discuss the North American Power and Water Alliance NAWAPA XXI. You can find much more information about it on here: www.larouchepac.com The NAWAPA XXI plan includes the following: i) … Continue reading
February 26th What is earth overshoot day?
February 26th Who controls the message? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA4Q2GyOTGU&feature=related http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/earth_overshoot_day/ http://reformed-theology.org/html/issue07/apostasy.htm
Monday January 30th Comm. Rothschild talks green prints- Jeff Lewis & Rick Frey Will the real terrorists please stand up?
January 30th Comm. Rothschild, Jeff Lewis & Rick Frey Hr 1 Commissioner Richard Rothschild from Carroll County Md. joins me to discuss the Plan Maryland land grab signed by executive order by the Governor. This is designed to usurp local control … Continue reading
January 24th Dave Kopacz How green is your prison?
January 24th Dave Kopacz Fearless patriot Dave Kopacz from the Massachusetts Liberty Preservation Association joins me to discuss how HUD plans on redistributing misery. http://masslpa.org/
Karen Schoen Ending the Agenda…
January 16th Karen Schoen from www.agenda21today.com was my guest. She is a fellow freedom fighter who along with many others has been fighting against UN Agenda 21 in Florida. Karen and other members of her group have given presentations around … Continue reading
Wednesday January 11th You are “unsustainable”.
January 11th I had no guest so I talked to myself about what is deemed, “unsustainable” by the green commies. Here is the list I read from: http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/sustainable_development/what_is_%22unsustainable%22%3f_2003022414/
Thursday December 29th Dr. Paugh Just how just is environmental justice?
December 29th Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh joins me to discuss environmental justice. What is it? Who knows, they make it up as they go along. What is the Plan Environment 2014? They will force programmable thermostats on you, and they … Continue reading
Thursday Decenber 22nd What will we be cooking on our “cooking” stoves?
December 22nd Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh discusses the latest nonsense coming from the green Nazis. Cooking stoves and climate change. What are the green Nazis lying about now? Read her articles here: www.ileanajohnson.com
Sunday December 18th Hal Shurtleff Green codes and green teams, what are they?
December 18th Hal Shurtleff Hal Shurtleff from JBS joins me to discuss what is happening in the New England area. The green teams are out in force in Nashua N.H. You can find out info on The John Birch Society … Continue reading
Thursday December 1st Did you know dandelions constituted “Biological Imperialism”? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
December 1st Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh joins me again to discuss her latest articles on UN Agenda 21. We discussed the socialist agenda in our schools, “biological imperialism”, and the effect illegal immigration is having, … Continue reading
Wednesday November 23rd John R. Marler UN Agenda 21…Houston, we’ve got a problem.
November 23rd John R. Marler was my guest today. He’s a Texan fighting against the NWO and UN Agenda 21. We discussed: The Global Ethic, the book entitled Brave New Schools, and John mentioned the Arc of Hope which contained … Continue reading
Wednesday November 16th Don Casey Comprehensive planning is a Communist’s dream.
November 16th My guest was Don Casey co-founder of Keep Our Rights. He has been fighting against UN Agenda 21 for 20 years. We discussed the International Code Council, unified codes, Municipal code changes that change your home from conforming … Continue reading
Wednesday November 9th Amanda Teagarden OK-Safe.com
November 9th Amanda Teagarden My guest today was Amanda Teagarden from OK-Safe.com She has a power point presentation and a PDF on her website with tons of info related to Obamacare, so check it out. Listen in as we also … Continue reading
Tuesday October 18th Dr. Michael Coffman www.rescuingamericabook.com
October 18th Dr. Michael Coffman Dr. Michael Coffman joins me again today to discuss the “Wildlands Map” he created and what the designations mean. He has been fighting UN Agenda 21 sustainable development for a very long time. He has … Continue reading
Fred Hodgeboom Land use plans & your property rights.
October 17th Fred Hodgeboom My guest today was Fred Hodgeboom President of Montanans for Multiple Use. He is a retired Forester and Land Use Planner with the US Forest Service. His group has been fighting for property rights for almost … Continue reading