UN Agenda 21 maps. All kinds of maps are available that portray what is happening all around us. UN Agenda 21 is all mapped out for us. The link to maps below are just a sampling of what is out there. Maps for the entire planet can be had. Google the terms “comprehensive plan and your town” or “comprehensive plan and your county” or province, etc. Google “transportation plans and your town or county, or country” or “2050 and your country or city, etc.” or “visioning and your area” and you will find maps included in all of them. Try googling “smart growth and your town, county, state, province or country”.
Try using search terms like: “sustainability and your area” or “vision 2030 and the name of your town”. Try “land use map and your town or county, etc” or “comprehensive plan and your town, county” etc. Try “transportation plans and your county, state, province etc.” Try “open space maps and your area”. Try ” zoning overlay maps and your town, county etc.”
In the US, each state has a department of environmental conservation. Try looking at their websites for maps.
Any of the terms that denote UN Agenda 21 can be used to search for maps. Here are some more terms to search for maps: combine ” maps and UN Agenda 21″, “maps and sustainable development” , maps and Utility service areas”, Urban Growth Boundaries, wildlands project, Biospheres, Global warming, transition town, visioning, Smart Growth, ICLEI, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Form-Based Zoning, Green Energy Mandates, Carbon Offsets, Cap and Trade, Local Agenda 21, ICLEI, Livable communities,UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Conventions on Biodiversity, UN Environment Programme and UN-HABITAT .
Take a look at the groups that put maps together such as : Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, Greenbelt Alliance, 1000 friends of Oregon, 10000 friends of Pennsylvania, (I noticed there are several groups that call themselves “1000” or “10000” friends of [fill in the blank] ” and you might find them in your area too, American Planning Association, and on and on. You will find that they have also created documents with all kinds of maps in them. Google their “group name and maps” and you will be amazed at what pops up.
If you are having problems finding maps for your area, contact me and I will help you.
wildlands map There are several maps found here.
Open Space
CONserved land worldwide
Map of Conservation Easements every state
Flathead National Forest Road Closer
Nature Conservancy Core Conservation Data
America 2050
Open space world map
Alabama Map watch the map change
Social Justice and Equity This is a very good website which exposes the con job of “social justice” which is NOT equal justice. The goal: redistribute people and cash.
Nova Scotia
Drone Map
Bike Trails And some are even wheelchair accessible. How about that 2 feet of snow that just fell? It’ll be lots of fun riding through that when you are 70.
Stopping the coal map
Twin Cities Land use map
Smart Growth Maryland
Priority Preservation Area
Rural Cluster Subdivisions
“most protective” “effective zoning” means being stricter than one dwelling unit per 20 acres which means: that you MUST have at least 20 acres before you can build your home or if you own 20 acres and you decided you wanted to sell off 10 acres to build some houses and make some money off YOUR land, you would not be allowed to do that which essentially makes your land worthless.
San Diego Regional Planning Commission geographic boundary viewer This is from San Diego. This map has several overlay features which allows you to “drill down” .
www.sandag.org Maps and GIS for the San Diego area
www.dvrpc.org Maps for the Delaware Valley area
Western NY They even call themselves “regional councils” which is a Soviet system of government ( unelected bureaucrats making all the rules for you)
Buffalo Land Use
Topeka Kansas land use
Food Deserts If you live more than 1/2 mile from a grocery store you’re in a “food desert” so say the commies pushing UN Agenda 21.
Roswell Georgia This is their “comprehensive plan” to be accomplished by 2030. ( Read this petition for now deceased Andrew Wordes here and take note of how the city lists Andrew and his neighbors home on the ‘Roswell 2030 Plan’ as a green space and parks area.) Do you see your home on your towns comprehensive plan?
http://secondcityzoning.org/ Chicago’s zoning map overlay
http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/rpm-gbi/doc/dfrpmf-rbiffc/dfrp-rbif-mf-fc-eng.pdf Canadian info. There are a lot of links in this pdf.
California Essential Habitat Connectivity Maps
Chicago 2040
Puget Sound Vision 2040
Land Use Cincinnati
Land Use Tampa
World Heritage List
Alaska Easement maps
Terrebonne France land use map
EU noise mapping
Biodiversity mapping
Port of Rotterdam, Germany land use map
Grand Paris 2030 plan
Midpeninsula regional open space district San Francisco, Calif. region
Australia maps
Greece NY trails map
NJ open space