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Recent Posts
- Stealing land the smart growth way December 6, 2013
- There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap. August 18, 2013
- Arrest THAT tomato!! August 16, 2013
- Out and about in your green ghetto- America 2050 August 1, 2013
- One Big Club and YOU ain’t in it! July 30, 2013
- Riding the green train into hell July 29, 2013
Category Archives: UN Agenda 21
When will the singing begin?
Do you know what a White Privilege wristband is? http://eagnews.org/wisconsin-education-officials-want-students-to-wear-white-privilege-wristbands/ Here are articles tracking what they did. http://topconservativenews.com/2013/03/wisconsin-state-government-is-funding-hatred-against-white-people/ Of course now they claim they NEVER promoted this. They are backtracking because they were caught. http://topconservativenews.com/2013/03/wisconsin-dpi-on-the-run-after-calling-for-white-privilege-wristbands/ http://topconservativenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/privilege.pdf Here is the … Continue reading
Is there a car in your future? Wanna bet?
The following guest editorial by Iris Stevens was submitted to the Jonesboro Sun and was published in the Sun today, Feb 20, 2013, with the headline: “Legislating a Government-Created Utopia.” It can be found at this link today: http://www.jonesborosun.com/e-Edition/ Documentation … Continue reading
All aboard the United Nations Cooperation Circles train to…your enslavement.
Cooperation circles sound just yummy, don’t they? After all, who doesn’t want to cooperate? But who is it you’ll be cooperating with and what is it about? There are all kinds of “cooperation circles” that one can “cooperate in”. Your … Continue reading
Here today, gone tomorrow…population control
Population control isn’t just for the third world. You’re next. The strategies employed to eliminate you and your offspring are not unlike the Chinese torture Death By A Thousand Cuts. Slowly. Gradually. Methodically manipulating your world and everything in it. … Continue reading
We are all approaching exit zero and only some of us know it, most of us don’t. In March 1980, when the industrial firm Wisconsin Steel abruptly closed its main mill in southeast Chicago, longtime employee Charles Walley was … Continue reading
“SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE” As Tony the Tiger says, it sure sounds “G-RR-EAT!! “ You know, we have read glowing reports and articles about “sustainable agriculture.” Here are just some of the coming changes to the new agricultural system: 1. … Continue reading
Tuesday November 6th Monica Stone The tip of the spear…
Tuesday October 6th Monica Stone joins me again to continue her exposure of the terror being perpetrated on the Boers of So. Africa. What is happening there will happen here; it’s only a matter of time. If you want to … Continue reading
Monday Nov. 5th Dr. Paugh & Dr. Joe Arminio Reality will interrupt the illusion
Monday Nov. 5th Hr. 1 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh former resident of communist Romania joins me to discuss her latest book, UN Agenda 21 Environmental Piracy which is available on Amazon. Dr. Paugh also described what she encountered on her latest trip … Continue reading
Wednesday October 31st Ken Hildebrand
Wednesday October 31st Ken Hildebrand host of The Information Nation here on Orion Talk radio Network filled in for me. http://www.theinformationnation.com/
Thursday October 11th Vinnie Eastwood & John Pero The land we own…they control.
Thursday October 11th After some self-inflicted technical problems, I was able to add my guest, Vinnie Eastwood. hr 1 Vinni Eastwood joined me just to laugh a little. He hosts The Vinnie Eastwood Show heard on www.americanfreedomradio.com from 6p-8p EST. … Continue reading
Wednesday October 10th Ken Eyring & Eileen Maschino Equity & Social Justice
Wednesday October 10th Eileen Mashimo and Ken Eyring from the Southern New Hampshire 912 group www.SouthernNH912.com and www.nhteapartycoalition.org joined me to discuss the “sustainable communities initiative” in New Hampshire. What is it? It’s many things and here are just a … Continue reading
Monday October 8th Michael Kirsch The time for NAWAPA is now!
Monday October 8th Michael Kirsch from Larouche PAC joins me to discuss the North American Power and Water Alliance NAWAPA XXI. You can find much more information about it on here: www.larouchepac.com The NAWAPA XXI plan includes the following: i) … Continue reading
Wednesday October 3rd Steve Scott The mind of a free man vs. code commies…
Wednesday October 3rd Steve Scott, smart cookie who has figured out tactics to use to fight back against the organized crime syndicate known as government. You need to do your homework, There are law dcitionaries online. You need to understand … Continue reading
October 1st Bruce & Barb Campbell Work release is criminal release
October 1st Bruce & Barb Campbell joined me to discuss what happened to their 16 y.o. daughter because of our “justice” system. Their 16 year old daughter worked at a fast food restaurant which also used prisoners on work release. … Continue reading
Sunday September 30th Shaun Diversity vs. liking yourself…
Sunday September 30th Shaun host of Two’s Company, Three’s allowed joined me for my last Sunday show. Starting next Sunday, Shaun will be taking over my Sunday time slot and redistributing the truth. Natural diversity. Huh? What is that? I don’t … Continue reading