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Recent Posts
- Stealing land the smart growth way December 6, 2013
- There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap. August 18, 2013
- Arrest THAT tomato!! August 16, 2013
- Out and about in your green ghetto- America 2050 August 1, 2013
- One Big Club and YOU ain’t in it! July 30, 2013
- Riding the green train into hell July 29, 2013
Tag Archives: freedom
What will you do without freedom?
What would you do without freedom_ Will you try_ Please click on the link above. Please listen to and watch a short 2 min clip.
Michael Shaw “Whose got the COG?
Wednesday September 26th Michael Shaw who is the founder of Freedom Advocates joins me to discuss Councils of Government (COG), regionalism, property rights councils, globalism vs. America and collectivism. Councils of Government COGs are region-wide associations of local governments – … Continue reading
Friday August 10th Bill Reil Freedom of the press…
Friday August 10th Bill Reil joined me to discuss freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Do you care about the loss of your freedom? Well, you should. Bill has written many documents that can be found on my website … Continue reading
Monday May 28th Memorial Day free speakers who speak
Monday May 28th My guest forgot she was supposed to be my guest so I took some callers and we talked about setting up your own low power fm station to help redistribute the truth. One of my callers has … Continue reading
March 20th Paul Fromm Who are the freedom haters?
March 20th Paul Fromm My guest was Paul Fromm Director of Council of Conservative Citizens and host on Voice of Reason Radio heard live every Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. EST — http://reasonradionetwork.com/ We discussed the Southern Poverty Propaganda Law Center … Continue reading
February 29th Michael Shaw Food deserts are a mirage
February 29th Michael Shaw Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates www.freedomadvocates.org joined me to discuss regionalism and property rights councils (which are erroneously leading some down the road to slavery). You don’t create exactly what you are fighting then assume somehow your … Continue reading
February 27th John Casey The Cold Sun.
February 27th John Casey Hr 1 John Casey retired NASA Engineer and the author of Cold Sun joins me to discuss his book about the cooling sun. www.coldsun.net Hr 2 I discussed the “race card” so eloquently played by our … Continue reading
February 19th Droning about drones…
February 19th I talked to myself about private spying drones shot down by bird hunters and other delightful stories.
February 16th Dr. Paugh Who is who?
February 16th Dr. Paugh Hr 1 Just me, myself and I discussing, who is who. So who is it? Hr2 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh joins me again to discuss riding on the “sustainability train”. Oh, what a ride it will … Continue reading
Monday February 13th Jim Harbison, Melodee, & Terri Hall Whaddya need a road for anyway?
February 13th Jim Harbison Terri Hall Melodee Hr 1 Jim Harbison freedom fighter from New Mexico joins me to talk about the latest commie aka sustainable development maneuvers happening in his area. Jim writes an editorial every other week for … Continue reading
Sunday February 12th All roads lead to…Big Brother.
Sunday February 12th I talked to myself today about The FBI’s latest memo telling us how to spy on our fellow Americans. Hey WOW players, beware, if you communicate to your fellow warriors YOU could be a terrorist. Ruh roh. … Continue reading
February 7th Paul Fromm Does free speech matter?
February 7th Paul Fromm Paul Fromm joins me to discuss free speech and the lack thereof. Is denying the unalienable right to free speech denying justice? Does free speech matter? His website is being revised so check back in a … Continue reading
Sunday February 4th strategies for the battle
Sunday February 5th No guest today, just some strategies for you to use to fight back.
Friday January 27th Dave Bego To work or not to work…
January 27th Dave Bego & Bill Reil Hr1 What does “right to work” really mean? Are unions for you or are the union bosses just plotting against you. Hear from someone who spent one million dollars fighting against the union “hustle”. … Continue reading
Sunday January 22nd Diane Hunter The 1001 club is not for Dalmations.
January 23rd Diane Hunter Diane Hunter from Nature Cons joins me to discuss the Green commies. What is the 1001 club? It’s not just for Dalmations, anymore. http://naturecons.weebly.com/