Monthly Archives: June 2011

Friday July 1st Don Casey

July 1st Don Casey Don Casey joins me again to discuss food, food sheds, urban growth boundaries, comprehensive planning and various other aspects of UN Agenda 21 sustainable development that are enchroaching on our liberties minute by minute. Be alert … Continue reading

Thursday June 30th Henry Lamb

June 30th Henry Lamb Doreen Hannes guest hosts for me and her guest is Henry lamb. He has been a freedom fighter fighting against UN Agenda 21 sustainable development for a very long time. Freedom21 is the manifestation of the belief … Continue reading

Wednesday June 29th Chris Sullins author “Operation Serf”

June 29th Chris Sullins Chris Sullins joins me to discuss his novel entitled, Operation Serf which is the first book in a trilogy of books he is writing. Chris has a military background and understands what life would be like if … Continue reading

Tuesday June 28th Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

June 28th Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh was born Ileana Apostolescu in Ploiesti, Romania during the communist era of Nicolae Ceausescu.   A survivor of communist utopia and its indoctrination, she immigrated to the United States … Continue reading

Monday June 27th Doreen Hannes Truth Farmer

June 27th Doreen Hannes No farmers, no food, no life. You cannot get anymore succinct than that. Doreen knows and she’s back to let you know the truth about the attack on The American Farmer and it IS the … Continue reading

Sunday June 26th William Taylor Reil Constitution

June 26th William Taylor Reil Bill is back and we continue our discussion on the constitution. If you don’t know what the Founders wrote, how can you protect yourself? They knew why it was necessary to write what they wrote … Continue reading

Friday June 24th F.A.C.E. OFF Kim Fahey, Shirley Phister and Joe Solis

 June 24th F.A.C.E. OFF Kim Fahey, Shirley Phister and Joe Solis  So what are the Code Nazis doing to the people in Brevard? Hmm. Well, the same as in other counties all over the USA. “First they came … Continue reading

Thursday June 23rd F.A.C.E. OFF Bob Morris & Jerry Brinegar

June 23rd F.A.C.E. OFF Bob Morris  & Jerry Brinegar Did you know that Desoto County has enacted a code that you cannot put a garden in your backyard without a permit? WOW! But Obama’s planted a garden…did they get a … Continue reading

Wednesday June 22nd Janna Legg

June 22nd Janna Legg  Janna Legg joins me to discuss UN Agenda 21 and her fight against it.  What boulders and jagged edges line our path to “sustainability”? Are their cliffs ahead and blind curves? Of course, UN Agenda 21 … Continue reading

Tuesday June 21st Fred Kelly Grant JD

June 21st Fred Kelly Grant Fred Kelly Grant JD joins  me again to continue our discussion on property rights and how they are being assaulted every where you look by the enviro nazis trying to take your property from you.  … Continue reading

Monday June 20TH Dr. Edwin Berry

June 20TH Dr. Edwin Berry Dr. Edwin  Berry joins me again to continue our discussion on the fraud of global warming and who would know better than someone with a PHd in Atmospheric Physics. Please listen to the … Continue reading

Sunday June 19th William Taylor Reil

June 19th William Taylor Reil William Taylor Reil who is a self taught constitutional expert joins me again to discuss nullification. He will be joining me on Sundays to discuss our founding documents since that is what he’s devoted the … Continue reading

Thursday June 16th Dr. Edwin Berry

June 16th Dr. Edwin Berry Dr. Edwin X Berry received his BS degree in Engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1957, where he studied under teachers like Dr. Linus Pauling. After graduating from Caltech, he … Continue reading

Wednesday June 15th Dinesh D’Souza author The Roots of Obama’s Rage

June 15th Dinesh D’Souza Why is our President so filled with rage? It’s evident not only by his facial expressions, but also his actions. What is it that makes Obama him tick? Do you think you know?  Dinesh D’Souza … Continue reading

Tuesday June 14th Deron Stone “The Front” Radio Show

June 14th Deron Stone Deron Stone joins me to discuss what happened in his small town after the tornado struck in Massachusetts several days ago. He found himself confronted by “environmental” police he described as “menacing”.  Strange isn’t it? … Continue reading