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Frank Szabo is running for Sheriff in Hillsboro County, New Hampshire. He WILL be a Constitutional Sheriff just like Sheriff Lopey and a handful of others across the nation. He will defend you from assaults on your property. He understands the Constitution and the role of the Sheriff. His website is www.szaboforsheriff.com Please help him out anyway you can. $$$ is a good way if you aren’t near to him. Remember, freedom is contagious so if we can get Constitutional Sheriffs elected in some areas that might inspire your sheriff to see the light!
Here is a link to Anderson on Sheriffs which will help you understand the role intended for all sheriffs in our country. http://www.bcsbrigade.org/anderson-on-sheriffs.html
Here is the video I played during the show today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t95XHcJMw44 If you support free speech, then as these ladies stated in this video, the SPLC has an “official” hate list and YOU may just be on it. :O)
Chick-fil-a video I mentioned that my friend Dan Haggerty recorded on Wednesday at a mall in NJ. He along with Billy Baer are the hosts of the Baer-Haggerty Offense Radio Show. Their show is heard on www.wnjc1360.com every Wednesday at 3pm EST http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EzSYKA62RY