Monthly Archives: January 2012

Alice Moore Whose values should be taught… Richard Frey NDAA is a comin’ for you Part 2

January 31st Alice Moore & Richard Frey Hr1 Alice Moore, patriot and activist joins me to discuss what happened in the schools of West Virginia in 1974. Destroy our children and you destroy America was the mantra by some, over … Continue reading

Monday January 30th Comm. Rothschild talks green prints- Jeff Lewis & Rick Frey Will the real terrorists please stand up?

January 30th Comm. Rothschild, Jeff Lewis & Rick Frey Hr 1 Commissioner Richard Rothschild from Carroll County Md. joins me to discuss the Plan Maryland land grab signed by executive order by the Governor.  This is designed to usurp local control … Continue reading

Sunday January 29th Ron Ewart What is the “critical area ordinance”?

January 29th Ron Ewart  Ron Ewart from The National Association of Rural Landowners joins me to discuss what is meant by “critical area ordinances” and how do they impact you. The EPA wants to place a 500 foot buffer … Continue reading

Friday January 27th Dave Bego To work or not to work…

January 27th Dave Bego & Bill Reil  Hr1  What does “right to work” really mean? Are unions for you or are the union bosses just plotting against you.  Hear from someone who spent one million dollars fighting against the union “hustle”. … Continue reading

Thursday January 26th Dr. Paugh & Prof. Koestler

Thursday January 26th Dr. Paugh & Prof. Koestler Hr1 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh explains the delusion suffered by millions who buy into the commie mantra of the “elimination of health care disparity”.  There has never been, nor will there ever be, … Continue reading

Wednesday January 25th Michael Shaw and the “property rights council” soviet

January 25th Michael Shaw  Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates joins me to discuss “property rights councils” which he and  I both agree are just another “soviet” structure and are NOT the answer to the assaults on our property rights.

January 24th Dave Kopacz How green is your prison?

January 24th Dave Kopacz  Fearless patriot Dave Kopacz from the Massachusetts Liberty Preservation Association joins me to discuss how HUD plans on redistributing misery.

Monday January 23rd Are the laws, lawfully laws?

January 23rd Ron MacDonald is my guest again. He is the author of the book entitled, They Own It All Including You.  We discussed tactics one can use to fight back against unlawful laws. Someone called in and suggested the following … Continue reading

Sunday January 22nd Diane Hunter The 1001 club is not for Dalmations.

January 23rd Diane Hunter Diane Hunter from Nature Cons joins me to discuss the Green commies. What is the 1001 club? It’s not just for Dalmations, anymore.

Friday January 20th Tom Deweese How impoverished will The Global Poverty Act make you?

January 20th Tom Deweese Tom Deweese, founder of the American Policy Center joins me today to discuss the “Global Poverty Act” being revived by Bill Gates, who earned his wealth via capitalism and now he wants to socialize yours. … Continue reading

Thursday January 19th Dr. Paugh Pull that green rabbit out of that hat!

January 19th Dr. Paugh Dr. Paugh joins me to discuss her latest article entitled, Obama’s Six Agency Merger – Smoke and Mirrors. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

Wednesday January 18th Cdr. Compton & Bill Reil The reality of Real ID

January 18 Cdr Compton & Bill Reil Cdr Jim Compton and Bill Reil joined me today to discuss the Real ID Act which is being implemented via our Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Most people don’t know that it is … Continue reading

Tuesday January 17th How sublime is a subliminal message?

January 17th Jeff Warwick Jeff Warwick who produced the documentary entitled, Programming The Nation joins me to discuss how subliminal messages are used to manipulate all of us. They are a violation of our free will and are unethical. Some … Continue reading

Karen Schoen Ending the Agenda…

 January 16th Karen Schoen from was my guest. She is a fellow freedom fighter who along with many others has been fighting against UN Agenda 21 in Florida. Karen and other members of her group have given presentations around … Continue reading

Sunday January 15th The Nature Con is on…

 January 15th Diane Hunter Diane Hunter joins me to discuss what has happened to freedom fighter Stacy Lynne of Ft. Collins, Colorado.  She has been targeted by corrupt officials and has had her child taken from her.  Stacy has been … Continue reading