Tag Archives: Cloward and Piven

Friday October 28th William Taylor Reil

 October 28th William Taylor Reil  Bill joins me again to discuss the 1917 Trading with the Enemies Act and the 1933 amendment to that act. Who is the enemy: Oct 6, 1917, under Trading w/enemy Act, section 2, subdivision (c), Chapter … Continue reading

Wednesday August 24th Devvy Kidd Devvy.com

 August 24th Devvy Kidd Devvy Kidd joins me to discuss the ponzi scheme called social security and what a scheme it is. How many people think they’ll get theirs when they turn 65? Read Devvy’s articles on her website, www.devvy.com

Sunday August 21st no guest

 August 21st  I talked about the bra burners and what was really the goal of the women’s liberation movement: Liberate you from freedom to slavery…

Thursday July 21th Amanda Teegarden Ok-Safe, Inc.

July 21th  Amanda Teegarden http://www.ok-safe.com/Home.htm  Amanda joins me to discuss what her group is doing to fight the NWO in her state.

Friday July 8th Dave Bego

July 8th Dave Bego http://www.thedevilatmydoorstep.com/  Dave Bego joins me again to update us on what is happening with the NLRB. Whose got the jobs? Not you, and it won’t be you because the job creators are under attack by our … Continue reading


Thursday May 12th James Simpson www.crisisnow.net

May 12th James Simpson www.crisisnow.net My guest on Thursday May 12th will be Jim Simpson who writes for a variety of publications including  Andrew Brietbart’s “Big Government”.  We will be discussing several of his articles including his expose on UN … Continue reading