Monday November 7th Charlotte Thomson Iserbyte

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 November 7th Charlotte Thomson Iserbyte

My guest today was Charlotte Thomson Iserbyte who is the author of the book entitled, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America which is available for free in PDF form here:

You can also purchase the abridged version due out soon. The book costs $24.95 plus $5.00 shipping and handling for a total cost of $29.95. Orders will be taken in the order they are received beginning October 1, 2011. The book will be available for $24.95 (NO shipping charge) on orders received between September 15, 2011 and December 31, 2011. This reduction in price is the author’s Christmas present to those of you who may wish to use it as a Christmas present for all your friends and or teachers, ministers, elected officials, etc.

Payment can be made by check payable to 3D Research Company, 519 River Road, Dresden, Maine 04342 or by calling 207-737-4730 and paying with Master or Visa credit card.

Please call 207-737-4730 for multiple copy discounts.

There is a ton of info on her son’s website

She referenced many books during our show: Listen for a complete list.

The Leipzig Connection

Lines of Credit Ropes of Bondage found on the website

The Impossible Dream by Maureen Heaton

An article about Ronald Reagan found on search for Reagan and an article entitled, “Here’s the rest of him” will come up.

Watch a 4 part video here:!

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