Monthly Archives: August 2012

Friday August 31st Deanna Spingola The Communications Monopoly…

Friday August 31st Deanna Spingola author, historian and talk show host on ( RBN) joins me to discuss her books which are available on her website The Ruling Elite, A Study in Imperialism, Genocide and Emancipation  and her 2nd … Continue reading

Thursday August 30th Phil Tourney Sea of lies…

Thursday August 30th Phil Tourney joins me again to talk about the USS Liberty. He and other sailors from that ship are willing to give presentations to groups so contact him@ He is the author of a book about the … Continue reading

Wednesday August 29th Michael Shaw The Stakeholder busybodies…

Wednesday August 29th Michael Shaw, founder of Freedom Advocates joins me to discuss, stakeholders, regionalism, commies, MAP 21, The New Man (same as the old one) and other insundrie, commie delights being served up this century. This is an article … Continue reading

Monday August 27th Paul Fromm Calling all anti-?????

Monday August 27th  Paul Fromm  from Canadian Association for Free Expression joined me to discuss free speech. Find more info at  

Sunday August 26th Paul Lemmen The con goes on…

Sunday August 26th  Paul Lemmen joined me to talk about the “con”. He knows it and is adept at explaining it. His website is He is the author of a book entitled, Confessions of a Con-Man: The Life and … Continue reading

Friday August 24th James Harbison The border no more…

Friday August 24th James Harbison was my guest today. He hails from Las Cruces and submits an editorial weekly to the Las Cruces Sun-News. We talked about our so-called borders. Crime is rampant, citizens are scared and our gubmint does nothin!  … Continue reading

Thursday August 23rd Pam Evans Alina Ramirez voices in the “wetlands”???

Thursday August 23rd  Pam Evans and Alina Ramirez join me from Florida to talk about what is being done to Floridians; they are being driven off their land too. Wetlands, EPA, Army Corp of Engineers, crooked politicians, greased palms and lone … Continue reading

Wednesday August 22nd Phil Tourney USS Liberty sailing for truth…

Wednesday August 22nd Phil Tourney joins me again to talk about the USS Liberty. He and other sailors from that ship are willing to give presentations to groups so contact him@

Tuesday August 21st Kirk MacKenzie Defend Rural America

Tuesday August 21st Kirk MacKenzie from Defend Rural America joined me to discuss strategies to fight back.

Monday August 20th Phil Tourney The USS Liberty

Monday August 20th Phillip F Tourney joined me to discuss what happened to him on the doomed ship The USS Liberty, which was attacked by Israel in 1967 during their “six day war”. Watch the BBC documentary available on you tube entitled, … Continue reading

Friday August 17th Chuck Untersee Behold A Pale Horse…

Friday August 17th Chuck Untersee producer and directer of the documentary, Behold A Pale Horse joined me to discuss his documentary. You can view the trailer and purchase the DVD here

Thursday August 16th Dr. Paugh The delusion is great…

Thursday August 16th Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh talks about our government selling us down the “China” river. She has written a couple of books which are available on Amazon and other places.  

Wednesday August 15th Minister Derrick Grayson “Willful ignorance”

Wednesday August 15th My guest was Minister Derrick Grayson. His website is and his you tube channel where you can hear what he has to say as well is “tmotofga”. He is a truth redistributor. We are deceived by … Continue reading

Tuesday August 14th Terry Backs Whose water is it?

Tuesday August 14th  Terry Backs from was my guest. They are after the water everywhere. Listen in because the tactics here will be and are being replicated all over.

Monday August 13th Ignorance is bliss…Communitarianism isn’t.

Monday August 13th   Communitarianism is the topic. This is the article I read from during the show For more info on Communitarianism go to Niki raapana’s website