Who were the Bolsheviks? It is CRITICAL that you know who they were. Read what Captain Schuyler wrote to Colonel Barrows in 1919 below. He was there and he tells you.
Why do so few people know anything about who they were?They control all media and education. JP Morgan purchased the top 25 newspapers in 1917 so they had control of everything printed.
Make sure you watch the video in the article above.
How many did they kill?66 million. Alexander Solzhenitsyn talks about it in his final book “Our 200 Years Together” which was never published in English, but thankfully a few of the chapters have been translated. Read them below.
Who is leading the call for gun control today?
Does it matter?
You decide.
So what did the Bolsheviks do before they started murdering millions?
Gun control.
Does history repeat itself?
Are the Bolsheviks here now?
What do you think?