Wed. April 20th Rosa Koire from Democrats Against UN Agenda 21

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 April 20th Rosa Koire

Rosa is one of the founders of    and Democrats Against UN Agenda 21  There’s nothing about “UN Agenda 21 sustainable development” that is partisan. It’s the equal opportunity slavemaster. Both the Demorats and Republirats elitists are working in harmony to take our rights away and lock all of us (except them) into Urban Growth Boundaries aka Utility Service Areas where we will delight in our shared servitude and misery. NOT!

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2 Responses to Wed. April 20th Rosa Koire from Democrats Against UN Agenda 21

  1. Pingback: DEMOCRATS AGAINST U. N. AGENDA 21 « Hidden America

  2. Pingback: AGENDA 21 This is the biggest public relation scam in the world. « lisaleaks