Tag Archives: water rights

Tuesday August 14th Terry Backs Whose water is it?

Tuesday August 14th  Terry Backs from www.westernmtwaterrights.wordpress.com was my guest. They are after the water everywhere. Listen in because the tactics here will be and are being replicated all over.

Tuesday February 14th Mark Jacobs Kiss your water goodbye…

February 14th Mark Jacobs Mark Jacobs joined me today to discuss  the pending plan to inject semi-treated sewage into the aquifers in Florida. How about a little poop with your lemonade? A caller mentioned distillation as a method to clean water. Put … Continue reading

Karen Budd-Falen Just how dirty is the Clean Water Act?

November 21st Karen Budd Falen         My guest today was attorney Karen Budd Falen who has been fighting for property rights for years. The Clean Water Act as well as other topics were discussed. She discusses the variety of secretarial … Continue reading

Monday September 26th Janet Phelan www.janetphelan.com two shows today

 September 26th Janet Phelan September 26 Second Show I did two shows today, mine and I filled in for John Stadtmiller on his show, The National Intel Report. The first podcast is The Unsolicited Opinion and the second is my … Continue reading

Monday June 27th Doreen Hannes Truth Farmer

June 27th Doreen Hannes www.truthfarmer.wordpress.com No farmers, no food, no life. You cannot get anymore succinct than that. Doreen knows and she’s back to let you know the truth about the attack on The American Farmer and it IS the … Continue reading