Tag Archives: Michael Shaw

Wednesday November 7th Michael Shaw & Jerry Kirk Just a worn out pair of shoes…

Wednesday November 7th hr 1 Michael Shaw founder of Freedom Advocates joins me to discuss human settlements, the attack on your car and various other fun things the communitarians are implementing all over this planet. They are evil. Pure evil. … Continue reading

Michael Shaw “Whose got the COG?

Wednesday September 26th Michael Shaw who is the founder of Freedom Advocates joins me to discuss Councils of Government (COG), regionalism, property rights councils, globalism vs. America and collectivism. Councils of Government COGs are region-wide associations of local governments – … Continue reading

Wednesday August 29th Michael Shaw The Stakeholder busybodies…

Wednesday August 29th Michael Shaw, founder of Freedom Advocates joins me to discuss, stakeholders, regionalism, commies, MAP 21, The New Man (same as the old one) and other insundrie, commie delights being served up this century. This is an article … Continue reading

Wednesday May 2nd Michael Shaw Executive orders…Treason abounds.

Wednesday May 2nd  Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates and I discussed Executive Orders signed by treasonous officials implementing UN Agenda 21. The following excerpt from and article found on The Agenda 21 Awareness website here lists the numerous executive orders … Continue reading

The traitors walk amongst us…Misprision of Treason

Wednesday April 25th Michael Shaw suggests charging those officials with Misprision of Treason who have enjoined themselves with foreign entities such as ICLEI. Information on Misprision of treason can be found at his website here Misprision of Treason Primer: Responding … Continue reading

March 28th Sustainable Communities Salamander huntin’ anyone?

Wednesday March 28th Mike Shaw  Freedom Advocates founder Michael Shaw www.freedomadvocates.org joins me to talk about BO’s executive orders and how they fit into the UN Agenda 21 game plan. Nationalization of the nation, Sustainable Communities and so much more … Continue reading

Property Rights Councils: Adding a Stakeholder to the Soviet Brew

Property Rights Councils: Adding a Stakeholder to a Soviet Brew  by Michael Shaw “Recently, several have called for the municipal creation of Property Rights Councils (PRC). The argument is that government officials need input for this “special interest.” Paul Coble … Continue reading