Tag Archives: global warming

Friday April 27th Sharon Sebastion Their devotion to ignorance…

Friday April 27th Sharon Sebastion joins me to discuss UN Agenda 21, it’s implementation worldwide and her book Darwin’s Racists Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow which can be purchased here http://www.darwinsracists.com/  

February 23rd Bill Reil & Dr. Paugh Run for your lives, the sea levels are rising…

February 23rd Bill Reil & Dr. Paugh Hr1 William Taylor Reil Nullification was the topic. Hr 2 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh The Virginian fighters vs. the green commies.  Game on.

Friday February 3rd Frosty Woolridge biking the numbers …

Friday February 3rd Frosty Woolridge  Frosty Woolridge joins me to discuss immigration and over-population. What’s in a number? We take some callers and take a ride on the path to the truth. www.frostywoolridge.com  

Thursday January 26th Dr. Paugh & Prof. Koestler

Thursday January 26th Dr. Paugh & Prof. Koestler Hr1 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh explains the delusion suffered by millions who buy into the commie mantra of the “elimination of health care disparity”.  There has never been, nor will there ever be, … Continue reading

Tuesday November 15th Warren Duffy www.cfactssocal.org

 November 15th Warren Duffy Warren Duffy, founder and president of CFACTSOCAL, has been a resident of California since 1969.  Having participated in the very first “Earth Day” (1970), he has observed a 40 year hijacking by global activists and alarmists … Continue reading

Thursday June 16th Dr. Edwin Berry www.polymontana.com www.climatefire.org

June 16th Dr. Edwin Berry www.Polymontana.com www.climatefire.org Dr. Edwin X Berry received his BS degree in Engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1957, where he studied under teachers like Dr. Linus Pauling. After graduating from Caltech, he … Continue reading