Tag Archives: UN Agenda 21 Conspiracy

A Decline in Courage…

Text of Address by Alexander Solzhenitsyn at Harvard Class Day Afternoon Exercises, Thursday, June 8, 1978 I am sincerely happy to be here with you on this occasion and to become personally acquainted with this old and most prestigious University. … Continue reading

What bike trail are you on?

I was looking at some comments on a website after an article about crime in Indianapolis and saw a comment about the bike/walking trail that went through the heart of the city. It’s called the Monon Trail. I figured I’d … Continue reading

Let’s undermine traditional values, shall we?

  The roots of the United Nations — the most visible part of the new global management system — might be compared to the many deep and spreading roots of a tenacious vine. Some of the roots are short and … Continue reading

Here today, gone tomorrow…population control

Population control isn’t just for the third world. You’re next. The strategies employed to eliminate you and your offspring are not unlike the Chinese torture Death By  A Thousand Cuts.  Slowly. Gradually. Methodically manipulating your world and everything in it.  … Continue reading


We are all approaching exit zero and only some of us know it, most of us don’t.   In March 1980, when the industrial firm Wisconsin Steel abruptly closed its main mill in southeast Chicago, longtime employee Charles Walley was … Continue reading

TRUTH STORE UN Agenda 21 Products

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Wednesday Nov. 14th Charlotte Iserbyte Boycott the truth…

Wednesday Nov. 14th Charlotte Thomson Iserbyte joins me again to discuss the truth.  We have “communists in conservative clothing” parading all about us. Charlotte has valiantly  attempted to expose them for decades. She is the author of the book entitled, … Continue reading

Monday Nov. 5th Dr. Paugh & Dr. Joe Arminio Reality will interrupt the illusion

Monday Nov. 5th Hr. 1 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh former resident of communist Romania joins me  to discuss her latest book, UN Agenda 21 Environmental Piracy which is available on Amazon. Dr. Paugh also described what she encountered on her latest trip … Continue reading

Sunday September 9th Aussie truth…

Sunday September 9th Shaun host of Two’s Company, Three’s Allowed joins me just to chat. Shaun hails from the land- down-under, so take a peek and see what you find. His show airs Sunday at 12:01 AM. So all you people … Continue reading

Tuesday August 21st Kirk MacKenzie Defend Rural America

Tuesday August 21st Kirk MacKenzie from Defend Rural America joined me to discuss strategies to fight back. www.DefendRuralAmerica.com

Thursday August 16th Dr. Paugh The delusion is great…

Thursday August 16th Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh talks about our government selling us down the “China” river. She has written a couple of books which are available on Amazon and other places. www.ileanajohnson.com  

Thursday August 9th Karen Schoen Divide and conquer…

Thursday August 9th  Divide and conquer…that’s the name of the game, but unless you talk about it, how will you know it’s happening? Karen Schoen an “Agender” joins me to talk about the various strategies used to divide all of us. … Continue reading

Tuesday August 7th Ryan Elson Exposing The Fake Roots

Tuesday August 7th  Canadian Freedom Fighter Ryan Elson joins me to discuss the green commies up his way. Listen in as we discuss the green cons going on in Canada under the guise of “sustainability”. http://exposingtheroots.wordpress.com/ http://www.wearechangevictoria.org/ http://www.freedomfreeforall.com/

Thursday June 22nd Bill Reil & Dr. Paugh Empowering truth…

Thursday June 22nd hr 1 Bill Reil smart cookie and constitutional scholar castes his pearls of wisdom our way. hr 2 Dr. Paugh joins me. www.ileanajohnson.com  

Tuesday May 29th John Marler& James Perloff Inherit the wind

Tuesday May 29th  Hr 1 John Marler Texas UN Agenda 21 fighter joins me to discuss UN Agenda 21 stuff. www.teaparty911.com Hr 2 James Perloff author of  The Shadows of Power, Tornado in a Junkyard and The Case Against Darwin joined me … Continue reading