Category Archives: Wildlands Project

Thursday October 11th Vinnie Eastwood & John Pero The land we own…they control.

Thursday October 11th   After some self-inflicted technical problems, I was able to add my guest, Vinnie Eastwood.  hr 1  Vinni Eastwood joined me just to laugh a little. He hosts The Vinnie Eastwood Show heard on  from 6p-8p EST. … Continue reading

Friday September 21st Don Casey The “greening” of…you!

Friday September 21stPreview Changes Don Casey talks about the greening of Australia, the greening of  America and even, the greening of  you. He discusses the International Code Council, the Coastal Zone Management program, Habitat 141, water front property owners being … Continue reading

Tuesday August 21st Kirk MacKenzie Defend Rural America

Tuesday August 21st Kirk MacKenzie from Defend Rural America joined me to discuss strategies to fight back.

Wednesday April 11th Debbie Coffey Wild horses can’t drag us away…

Wednesday April 11th  Debbie Coffey citizen journalist joins me today to discuss what is happening with so called “invasive species” and the torture our wild horses are being subjected to under the auspices of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). … Continue reading

Wednesday March 14th Deb Bacilagupi What is biomass?

Wednesday March 14th Deb Bacilagupi Biomass, dam removal, and fighting back were the topics today. Debbie Bacilagupi joined me again to discuss the constant assaults on Americans by the green commies who seek to control humanity. You can find out … Continue reading

Monday February 13th Jim Harbison, Melodee, & Terri Hall Whaddya need a road for anyway?

February 13th Jim Harbison Terri Hall Melodee Hr 1 Jim Harbison freedom fighter from New Mexico joins me to talk about the latest commie aka sustainable development maneuvers happening in his area. Jim writes an editorial every other week for … Continue reading

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Sunday January 29th Ron Ewart What is the “critical area ordinance”?

January 29th Ron Ewart  Ron Ewart from The National Association of Rural Landowners joins me to discuss what is meant by “critical area ordinances” and how do they impact you. The EPA wants to place a 500 foot buffer … Continue reading

Wednesday January 11th You are “unsustainable”.

January 11th I had no guest so I talked to myself about what is deemed, “unsustainable” by the green commies. Here is the list I read from:

Wednesday January 4th Jeremy Rine, JD Hunting and fishing oh my…

January 4th Jeremy Rine, JD from the US Sportsmen’s Alliance joins me to discuss the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and how the latest policies will impact your right to hunt, fish, and enjoy OUR public lands and your private land. … Continue reading

Monday January 2nd Dave Kopacz Did they really try to ban tractors off a farm?

January 2nd Dave Kopacz who is a part time conservation officer and full time patriot joins me to discuss his area regional planning commission, the APA, sending and receiving zones and a variety of “land use” issues. They tried to … Continue reading

Wednesday December 28th Sheriff Jon Lopey Why do the green nazis want to destroy clean energy dams?

December 28th Sheriff Jon Lopey Siskiyou California County Sheriff Jon Lopey joins me to discuss the assaults on individual liberty taking place in his county by out of control bureaucrats. He discussed the pending demolition of four dams which provide … Continue reading

Friday December 23rd Mimi Steel Who are the grievance and give me groups?

Decenber 23rd Mimi Steel Mimi Steel founder of the SFBay 912 Project and Citizens for Sustainable Liberty joins me to discuss what is happening in the San Francisco area. What is visioning? Consensus, wildlands, smart growth, sustainable development and light … Continue reading

Tuesday December 20th Who has the guns? Larry Pratt GOA

December 20th Who has the guns? 1st hr: Larry Pratt Exec. Director of Gun Owners of America joins me to discuss: “fast and furious”,   New Mexico Sheriffs and militias. His website is He is the author of several books which are … Continue reading

Tuesday December 13th What is the language of UN Agenda 21 really?

 December 13th I discussed the language of UN Agenda 21 and what words really mean. Pastor Chuck Baldwin also joined me to discuss his run for Lt. Governor of Montana alongside Bob Fanning. They intend to: *Stop the federal … Continue reading

Monday November 28th Erin Ryan Which came first, your property rights or the Coho Salmon?

November 28th Erin Ryan from the Redding Tea Party joined me today to discuss the pending demolition of four dams in northern California and Oregon. The people in the Klamath Basin are under attack by those green Nazis who seek … Continue reading