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Recent Posts
- Stealing land the smart growth way December 6, 2013
- There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap. August 18, 2013
- Arrest THAT tomato!! August 16, 2013
- Out and about in your green ghetto- America 2050 August 1, 2013
- One Big Club and YOU ain’t in it! July 30, 2013
- Riding the green train into hell July 29, 2013
Category Archives: Social Justice
February 7th Paul Fromm Does free speech matter?
February 7th Paul Fromm Paul Fromm joins me to discuss free speech and the lack thereof. Is denying the unalienable right to free speech denying justice? Does free speech matter? His website is being revised so check back in a … Continue reading
Monday February 6th Don Casey intergenerational equity means…?
Monday February 6th Don Casey Don Casey joins me to discuss a resolution exposing UN Agenda 21, intergenerational equity and Habitat II where the “community regeneration process”, which was designed by some students at Washington State University, won a gold … Continue reading
Sunday February 4th strategies for the battle
Sunday February 5th No guest today, just some strategies for you to use to fight back.
Friday February 3rd Frosty Woolridge biking the numbers …
Friday February 3rd Frosty Woolridge Frosty Woolridge joins me to discuss immigration and over-population. What’s in a number? We take some callers and take a ride on the path to the truth. www.frostywoolridge.com
Thursday February 2nd Dr.Paugh Grunt, grunt, grunt…
Thursday February 2nd Dr. Paugh and Bill Reil Hr1 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh joins me to discuss the LOST Treaty (Law of the Sea) which will take control of all water. We also discussed new old forms of communication that … Continue reading
Alice Moore Whose values should be taught… Richard Frey NDAA is a comin’ for you Part 2
January 31st Alice Moore & Richard Frey Hr1 Alice Moore, patriot and activist joins me to discuss what happened in the schools of West Virginia in 1974. Destroy our children and you destroy America was the mantra by some, over … Continue reading
Monday January 30th Comm. Rothschild talks green prints- Jeff Lewis & Rick Frey Will the real terrorists please stand up?
January 30th Comm. Rothschild, Jeff Lewis & Rick Frey Hr 1 Commissioner Richard Rothschild from Carroll County Md. joins me to discuss the Plan Maryland land grab signed by executive order by the Governor. This is designed to usurp local control … Continue reading
Sunday January 29th Ron Ewart What is the “critical area ordinance”?
January 29th Ron Ewart Ron Ewart from The National Association of Rural Landowners www.narlo.org joins me to discuss what is meant by “critical area ordinances” and how do they impact you. The EPA wants to place a 500 foot buffer … Continue reading
Friday January 27th Dave Bego To work or not to work…
January 27th Dave Bego & Bill Reil Hr1 What does “right to work” really mean? Are unions for you or are the union bosses just plotting against you. Hear from someone who spent one million dollars fighting against the union “hustle”. … Continue reading
Thursday January 26th Dr. Paugh & Prof. Koestler
Thursday January 26th Dr. Paugh & Prof. Koestler Hr1 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh explains the delusion suffered by millions who buy into the commie mantra of the “elimination of health care disparity”. There has never been, nor will there ever be, … Continue reading
January 24th Dave Kopacz How green is your prison?
January 24th Dave Kopacz Fearless patriot Dave Kopacz from the Massachusetts Liberty Preservation Association joins me to discuss how HUD plans on redistributing misery. http://masslpa.org/
Tuesday January 17th How sublime is a subliminal message?
January 17th Jeff Warwick Jeff Warwick who produced the documentary entitled, Programming The Nation joins me to discuss how subliminal messages are used to manipulate all of us. They are a violation of our free will and are unethical. Some … Continue reading