Tag Archives: Wildlands Project

Thursday October 11th Vinnie Eastwood & John Pero The land we own…they control.

Thursday October 11th   After some self-inflicted technical problems, I was able to add my guest, Vinnie Eastwood.  hr 1  Vinni Eastwood joined me just to laugh a little. He hosts The Vinnie Eastwood Show heard on  www.americanfreedomradio.com  from 6p-8p EST. … Continue reading

Tuesday August 21st Kirk MacKenzie Defend Rural America

Tuesday August 21st Kirk MacKenzie from Defend Rural America joined me to discuss strategies to fight back. www.DefendRuralAmerica.com

Wednesday March 14th Deb Bacilagupi What is biomass?

Wednesday March 14th Deb Bacilagupi Biomass, dam removal, and fighting back were the topics today. Debbie Bacilagupi joined me again to discuss the constant assaults on Americans by the green commies who seek to control humanity. You can find out … Continue reading

Wednesday January 4th Jeremy Rine, JD Hunting and fishing oh my…

January 4th Jeremy Rine, JD from the US Sportsmen’s Alliance joins me to discuss the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and how the latest policies will impact your right to hunt, fish, and enjoy OUR public lands and your private land. … Continue reading

Sunday November 20th Truth and UN Agenda 21

November 20th    Today I talked to myself and a couple of callers about our magnificent education system, civil rights and Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. None of them have worked out very well.

Monday August 22nd Dr. Michael Coffman Sovereignty.net

August 22nd Dr. Michael Coffman   Dr. Michael Coffman joins me to discuss his book, “Rescuing a Broken America” which details who, what, when, where and why of the plan for our enslavement at the hands of the Globalists who … Continue reading