Tag Archives: water


http://www.keepourrights.org/watersheds.htm WATERSHEDS by Ray Simmons         A recent article in a local weekly newspaper, The Beacon, centered around meetings being held to discuss the preservation of the Cahaba river. There was talk about the Cahaba watershed and steps that need … Continue reading

Monday October 8th Michael Kirsch The time for NAWAPA is now!

Monday October 8th  Michael Kirsch from Larouche PAC joins me to discuss the North American Power and Water Alliance NAWAPA XXI. You can find much more information about it on here: www.larouchepac.com The NAWAPA XXI plan includes the following: i) … Continue reading

Wednesday August 22nd Phil Tourney USS Liberty sailing for truth…

Wednesday August 22nd Phil Tourney joins me again to talk about the USS Liberty. He and other sailors from that ship are willing to give presentations to groups so contact him@  tonktime5@yahoo.com http://home.roadrunner.com/~gidusko/liberty/

Karen Budd-Falen Just how dirty is the Clean Water Act?

November 21st Karen Budd Falen         My guest today was attorney Karen Budd Falen who has been fighting for property rights for years. The Clean Water Act as well as other topics were discussed. She discusses the variety of secretarial … Continue reading