Tag Archives: property rights councils

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March 28th Sustainable Communities Salamander huntin’ anyone?

Wednesday March 28th Mike Shaw  Freedom Advocates founder Michael Shaw www.freedomadvocates.org joins me to talk about BO’s executive orders and how they fit into the UN Agenda 21 game plan. Nationalization of the nation, Sustainable Communities and so much more … Continue reading

Property Rights Councils: Adding a Stakeholder to the Soviet Brew

Property Rights Councils: Adding a Stakeholder to a Soviet Brew  by Michael Shaw “Recently, several have called for the municipal creation of Property Rights Councils (PRC). The argument is that government officials need input for this “special interest.” Paul Coble … Continue reading

The road to communism is littered with “councils” and “property rights councils”, they are no different.

The road to communism is littered with “councils” and “property rights councils”, they are no different.  What is a council? A council is a group of unelected, appointed bureaucrats who make decisions for/against you.  The term “soviet” and “council” means … Continue reading

March 9th Kelleigh Nelson & Kathleen Marquardt Tea parties and property rights councils

March 9th Kelleigh Nelson & Kathleen Marquardt  My guests today were Kelleigh Nelson & Kathleen Marquardt. Both freedom fighters articles can be read on www.newswithviews.comKelleigh started our discussion exposing some of the “players” associated with some of the Tea Parties. … Continue reading

February 29th Michael Shaw Food deserts are a mirage

February 29th Michael Shaw Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates www.freedomadvocates.org joined me to discuss regionalism and property rights councils (which are erroneously leading some down the road to slavery). You don’t create exactly what you are fighting then assume somehow your … Continue reading

Wednesday January 25th Michael Shaw and the “property rights council” soviet

January 25th Michael Shaw  Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates   www.freedomadvocates.org joins me to discuss “property rights councils” which he and  I both agree are just another “soviet” structure and are NOT the answer to the assaults on our property rights.