Tag Archives: Fish and Wildlife Service

Wednesday January 4th Jeremy Rine, JD Hunting and fishing oh my…

January 4th Jeremy Rine, JD from the US Sportsmen’s Alliance joins me to discuss the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and how the latest policies will impact your right to hunt, fish, and enjoy OUR public lands and your private land. … Continue reading

Wednesday December 28th Sheriff Jon Lopey Why do the green nazis want to destroy clean energy dams?

December 28th Sheriff Jon Lopey Siskiyou California County Sheriff Jon Lopey joins me to discuss the assaults on individual liberty taking place in his county by out of control bureaucrats. He discussed the pending demolition of four dams which provide … Continue reading

Monday November 28th Erin Ryan Which came first, your property rights or the Coho Salmon?

November 28th Erin Ryan from the Redding Tea Party joined me today to discuss the pending demolition of four dams in northern California and Oregon. The people in the Klamath Basin are under attack by those green Nazis who seek … Continue reading