Tag Archives: apartheid

Running without shoes…so who are the racists now?

So who are the racists now? http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/348571  “…Irene van Niekerk is a 15-year-old runner who lives in a squatter camp near Pretoria, South Africa. She has won, in total, 27 gold medals, but owns no shoes. http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/2013/04/sa-gold-medalist-young-athlete-from.html Irene is a … Continue reading

Wednesday October 24th Monica Stone South Africa Project is…

Wednesday October 24th  Monica Stone joins me from the South Africa Project www.southafricaproject.info to discuss what is really going on in her native country, South Africa. And what is really going on is-White Genocide! The black majority, including their president and the Communist … Continue reading