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Recent Posts
- Stealing land the smart growth way December 6, 2013
- There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap. August 18, 2013
- Arrest THAT tomato!! August 16, 2013
- Out and about in your green ghetto- America 2050 August 1, 2013
- One Big Club and YOU ain’t in it! July 30, 2013
- Riding the green train into hell July 29, 2013
Author Archives: admin
How the “MSM” hustles you.
James Corbett from The Corbett Report exposes how the MSM corruption hustles people into believing their lies. They are purveyors of propaganda. by James Corbett grtv.ca 2 January, 2012 http://www.corbettreport.com/faking-it-how-the-media-manipulates-the-world-into-war/ “As the drums of war begin to beat once again … Continue reading
Running without shoes…so who are the racists now?
So who are the racists now? http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/348571 “…Irene van Niekerk is a 15-year-old runner who lives in a squatter camp near Pretoria, South Africa. She has won, in total, 27 gold medals, but owns no shoes. http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/2013/04/sa-gold-medalist-young-athlete-from.html Irene is a … Continue reading
A Decline in Courage…
Text of Address by Alexander Solzhenitsyn at Harvard Class Day Afternoon Exercises, Thursday, June 8, 1978 I am sincerely happy to be here with you on this occasion and to become personally acquainted with this old and most prestigious University. … Continue reading
Comprehensive plans & urban growth boundaries explained in 3 min.
Joe Neal, South Carolina State Representative explains how “smart growth” embedded within Comprehensive Plans adopted by local government will encumber private property rights. He describes how “urban growth boundaries” are arbitrarily created within plans which limit growth and development … Continue reading
As the people fiddle, false flags abound…
While America burns the people fiddle. This is just another false flag event designed to destroy freedom and liberty and set up a police state. Marshall Law is on the horizon. More domestic enslavement is headed our way. … Continue reading
When hate hustlers speak…
In my constant quest for the truth, I like looking at all the websites the hate hustlers for profit such as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) claim are just hate filled sites full of lies, more lies and … Continue reading
What bike trail are you on?
I was looking at some comments on a website after an article about crime in Indianapolis and saw a comment about the bike/walking trail that went through the heart of the city. It’s called the Monon Trail. I figured I’d … Continue reading
When will the singing begin?
Do you know what a White Privilege wristband is? http://eagnews.org/wisconsin-education-officials-want-students-to-wear-white-privilege-wristbands/ Here are articles tracking what they did. http://topconservativenews.com/2013/03/wisconsin-state-government-is-funding-hatred-against-white-people/ Of course now they claim they NEVER promoted this. They are backtracking because they were caught. http://topconservativenews.com/2013/03/wisconsin-dpi-on-the-run-after-calling-for-white-privilege-wristbands/ http://topconservativenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/privilege.pdf Here is the … Continue reading
Doug Christie A life built on principle…
VANCOUVER. March 26, 2013. The last of four memorial meetings sponsored by the Canadian Association for Free Expression across Canada took place here this evening. Friend…s, former clients, admirers and members of Doug Christie’s Western … Continue reading
Who Wants To Destroy Western Civilization? Marxists!
Marxists are everywhere. They disguise themselves well. They like to hide within our institutions. “I understand that you love freedom, but in our crowded world you have to pay a tax for freedom. You cannot love freedom for yourselves … Continue reading
Let’s play a game.
I want to play a game. Will you join me? I am going to call it, “Who” is the the real oppressor? I am going to post a link to a video and I want you to tell me who … Continue reading
SO. . . YOU WANT TO GO TO WAR? Are you sure? You’re willing to risk your life for. . . what? For whom? Your country needs you? To do what? To massacre innocent, defenseless people? Why? Is your … Continue reading
Is there a car in your future? Wanna bet?
The following guest editorial by Iris Stevens was submitted to the Jonesboro Sun and was published in the Sun today, Feb 20, 2013, with the headline: “Legislating a Government-Created Utopia.” It can be found at this link today: http://www.jonesborosun.com/e-Edition/ Documentation … Continue reading
Is Glenn beck a communitarian con-artist?
Oh Glenn, where are your tears? “It’s no secret that Glenn Beck is a Communitarian, and his target audience is the asleep at the wheel politically conservative Christian. Since the past several decades of Christians have been raised on … Continue reading
https://www.youtube.com/tv?vq=medium#/watch?v=LIrBUrFV2Ac&mode=transport Gun Ban Results in Tragic Deaths The following story was first printed in the New American magazine and is dated April 20th. The author is unknown. BOSTON — National guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned … Continue reading