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Recent Posts
- Stealing land the smart growth way December 6, 2013
- There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap. August 18, 2013
- Arrest THAT tomato!! August 16, 2013
- Out and about in your green ghetto- America 2050 August 1, 2013
- One Big Club and YOU ain’t in it! July 30, 2013
- Riding the green train into hell July 29, 2013
Tag Archives: carbon trading credits
Wednesday August 1st The first dry run…Warren Duffy
Wednesday August 1st Warren Duffy joins me to discuss the carbon trading scam which is to begin in California in November. His group www.Cfactsocal.org will be holding a protest on August 15th at the state capital in Sacramento from 11a-1pm PST. … Continue reading
Tuesday November 15th Warren Duffy www.cfactssocal.org
November 15th Warren Duffy Warren Duffy, founder and president of CFACTSOCAL, has been a resident of California since 1969. Having participated in the very first “Earth Day” (1970), he has observed a 40 year hijacking by global activists and alarmists … Continue reading
Monday August 22nd Dr. Michael Coffman Sovereignty.net
August 22nd Dr. Michael Coffman Dr. Michael Coffman joins me to discuss his book, “Rescuing a Broken America” which details who, what, when, where and why of the plan for our enslavement at the hands of the Globalists who … Continue reading
Monday July 4th Dr. Edwin Berry
July 4th Dr. Edwin Berry http://www.climatefire.org/ My favorite Atmospheric Physicist joins me again to talk about the truth. Global warming is one BIG lie. I know it, Dr. Berry knows it and if you listen to this podcast, you’ll know … Continue reading
Wednesday June 22nd Janna Legg www.weekendmorningbuzz.blogspot.com
June 22nd Janna Legg http://www.weekendmorningbuzz.blogspot.com http://www.agenda21library.co.cc Janna Legg joins me to discuss UN Agenda 21 and her fight against it. What boulders and jagged edges line our path to “sustainability”? Are their cliffs ahead and blind curves? Of course, UN Agenda 21 … Continue reading
Monday June 20TH Dr. Edwin Berry www.polymontana.com www.climatefire.org
June 20TH Dr. Edwin Berry www.Polymontana.com www.climatefire.org Dr. Edwin Berry joins me again to continue our discussion on the fraud of global warming and who would know better than someone with a PHd in Atmospheric Physics. Please listen to the … Continue reading
Thursday June 16th Dr. Edwin Berry www.polymontana.com www.climatefire.org
June 16th Dr. Edwin Berry www.Polymontana.com www.climatefire.org Dr. Edwin X Berry received his BS degree in Engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1957, where he studied under teachers like Dr. Linus Pauling. After graduating from Caltech, he … Continue reading
Wednesday May 18th Larry Bell author Climate of Corruption
May 18th Larry Bell http://www.climateofcorruption.com/Preview.pdf Larry Bell joins me to discuss his book, Climate of Corruption. He’ll discuss the politics and power behind the global warming hoax. And it is a hoax, indeed. So Larry’s dedicates his book to Al … Continue reading