Common Core. No Child Left Behind. Race To The Top. Goals 2000. School To Work. All equal indoctrination for the New World Order. Indoctrination aka brainwashing is the name of the “game” being played. In fact you most likely never heard the term New World Order and if you did thought nothing of it. In your mind it is nothing more than meaningless dribble some conspiracy theorist said. Nothing to see or have to worry about. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is something to see and something to worry about.
Education or should I say, indoctrination is the key to success in turning the world upside down. George Orwell wrote in his novel 1984, “Ignorance is strength” and indeed it is. As your ignorance grows, so does their strength. He also wrote “Freedom is Slavery”. They (The NWO aka those who seek to enslave you aka moneychangers and their lackeys) have been using education to forge the chains of your bondage, one link at a time, for a very long time.
Voltaire said, ” It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.”
Treason Part 2 UNESCO workforce training
Treason- Pt 3 UNESCO- Change Agents
Treason Pt 4 UNESCO – Charter Schools
Treason Pt 5 UNESCO Insect Society
People v. Educational Confederacy UNESCO
Jed Brown-Behavior Conditioning
Jed Brown Paradigm Shift change fundamentals
The war for your child’s mind
Communism in schools
Who really owns the main stream media?
The Big Green Help Green Team Toolkit
UNESCO what is it really?
No American Left Alone!
Mastery Learning
Multiculturalism A Prescription for Moral Anarchy
Charlotte Iserbyt Maine’s Assault On Education
Charlotte Iserbyte
The Delphi Technique
Hegelian Dialectic
International Baccalaureate
The Dirty Little Secret of School Choice
The Rockefeller/Heritage Connection
The “Common Core” Con job
The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America
Re-creating America must watch
Education Action Group
Go to and look at the documents under “education”.