The “New Urbanism” explained

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The New Urbanism is “communitarian speak” for the 21 century version of tenements, slums and  ghettos. It’s really the “old urbanism” they just call it new, tricky aren’t they?  What is the HCD? Housing and Community development agency. The HCD works with the MPO.  What is the MPO? The MPO is the metropolitan planning organization which assigns the RHNA. What is RHNA?  It’s the regional housing needs assessment quota. In the San Francisco Bay area the MPO is called  ABAG which is the Association of Bay Area Governments. ABAG works with the MTC. What is the MTC? The Metropolitan Transportation Commission. They work with the HCD and the BCDC. What is the BCDC? The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. They dictate the RHNA that every city needs to comply with to do their “fair share”.  For the uninitiated who don’t yet “get” the “communitarian speak” you hear at these meetings I’ll define some of the terms they use. Fair share means redistributing your dollars, redistributing people and denying you the right to choose what is best for you. There is nothing  fair about fair share, but it sounds good doesn’t it?

Now you don’t get to vote for any of these elitists at these organizations who create these mandates. Having a voice in what happens to you and your community is highly over-rated anyway.  C’mon get with the program. You are not smart enough to make these decisions for yourself. The sooner you come to that realization the better off everyone else will be. You need guidance from these “smart” people.

They will be building TOD which is transportation oriented development so that everyone can live in “vibrant” communities by the railroad tracks.  **”Communitarian speak” ** alert. Vibrant means low income which occasionally, not too often, just every day or so has historically involved high crime. So the thinking ( well if you want to call it “thinking”) is this. If you force middle and higher income people into “vibrant” communities, the myriad of problems in those communities will magically disappear. If you don’t want to live in a “vibrant” community you’re a racist who exhibits the NIMBY mentality. You need to be re-educated and soon. FYI The NIMBY “not in my backyard” is what elitists who run the communitarian programs call people who like freedom of choice and like living in  single family homes in safe, suburban neighborhoods. Oh, and the elitists who push this won’t be living in the “vibrant” neighborhoods aka slums they want you to live in.

If you build it they will come. I’ve heard that somewhere before. Of course I think they meant they’d come willingly.  It’s time for ya’all to embrace the New Urbanism aka forced relocation the housing and community development agency people and their buddies have in store for you. I know what you are thinking, you’re saying to yourself, why this is America, they can’t do that here. We’re free! They won’t be bringing out the guns to your temple just yet, they have other tricks they can use. They’ll do things such as raise the cost of a gallon of gas so high you can’t afford to drive your car, they’ll divert funds away from highway and bridge repairs and use those funds to build bike paths, they’ll destroy roads so you can’t use them, they will change rules so your well or septic will be outlawed, they’ll change zoning so you are no longer allowed to use your property for a particular use, they’ll dictate the minimum amount of acres you must have before you can build, etc. etc., etc.   Are you starting to see the bigger picture yet?

Now remember, if you don’t want to go along with this they’ll call you a hater, racist, homophobe, xenophobe, anti-Semite, bigot, White supremacist and a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionsjews.


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