Tag Archives: vaccines

Here today, gone tomorrow…population control

Population control isn’t just for the third world. You’re next. The strategies employed to eliminate you and your offspring are not unlike the Chinese torture Death By  A Thousand Cuts.  Slowly. Gradually. Methodically manipulating your world and everything in it.  … Continue reading

Friday June 8th Dr. Carley Germs, germs, germs…

Friday June 8th Dr. Rebecca Carley joins me again to talk vaccines, rabies and you. www.drcarley.com www.reversingvaccineinduceddiseases.com

Tuesday April 10th Dr. Carley Vaccines or disease which came first?

Tuesday April 10th  Dr. Carley joins me to discuss vaccines and disease. Which came first??? Find out more info at her website www.reversingvaccineinduceddiseases.com and www.drcarley.com