Tag Archives: socialism

Monday October 22nd Kevin Eggers Communitarianism is…

Monday October 22nd Kevin Eggers who writes the occasional article joins me to discuss Communitarianism.The grand poobah of them all. This is the philosophy driving UN Agenda 21.  And UN Agenda 21 is part of the grand plan by the … Continue reading

Wednesday October 26th no guest

 October 26th  I had no guest today just great callers who helped me discuss Gloriiiiia Steinhem and the police state our illustrious elected officials and other useful idiots are creating. Pam Evans also updated us on what is happening in … Continue reading

Oleg Atbashian Shakedown Socialism

 September 30th Oleg Atbashian   September 30th Second Show  Oleg joins me to discuss the “wonderful”  attributes of socialism. Not! Listen in as we discuss his life in the USSR as a propaganda artist for the politburo.    http://www.shakedownsocialism.com/  

Tuesday June 28th Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

June 28th Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh http://romanianconservative.blogspot.com/ http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/37561 Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh was born Ileana Apostolescu in Ploiesti, Romania during the communist era of Nicolae Ceausescu.   A survivor of communist utopia and its indoctrination, she immigrated to the United States … Continue reading

Thursday May 12th James Simpson www.crisisnow.net

May 12th James Simpson www.crisisnow.net My guest on Thursday May 12th will be Jim Simpson who writes for a variety of publications including  Andrew Brietbart’s “Big Government”.  We will be discussing several of his articles including his expose on UN … Continue reading