Tag Archives: Race card

Sunday June 3rd Almost free…

Sunday June 3rd I talked about crime and how political correctness almost prevents the truth from getting out. Well, I let the truth out. I set it free.  Orwell said, “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary … Continue reading

Tuesday March 13th Craig Bodeker A conversation about race…

Tuesday March 13th Craig Bodeker   Documentary filmmaker Craig Bodeker joins me to discuss his documentary entitled, A Conversation About Race which can be viewed here www.nclnow.org.   Craig decided to make the film in 2008, after hearing, then candidate Barack Obama … Continue reading

February 27th John Casey The Cold Sun.

February 27th John Casey Hr 1  John Casey retired NASA Engineer and the author of Cold Sun joins me to discuss his book about the cooling sun. www.coldsun.net  Hr 2   I discussed the “race card” so eloquently played by our … Continue reading