Tag Archives: executive orders

Wednesday May 2nd Michael Shaw Executive orders…Treason abounds.

Wednesday May 2nd  Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates and I discussed Executive Orders signed by treasonous officials implementing UN Agenda 21. The following excerpt from and article found on The Agenda 21 Awareness website here lists the numerous executive orders … Continue reading

Thursday April 19th Dr. Paugh Defrauded and robbed…what will you do?

Thursday April 19th  Hr 1  I read a few sentences from the preface of Nesta Webster’s book Secret Societies and Subversive Movements found here: http://www.iamthewitness.com/books/Nesta.H.Webster/Secret.Societies.and.Subversive.Movements.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=axS-QdUkMqk#! Clip of a 12 yo Canadian girl discussing how central banks defraud and rob us.  Hr 2 … Continue reading

March 28th Sustainable Communities Salamander huntin’ anyone?

Wednesday March 28th Mike Shaw  Freedom Advocates founder Michael Shaw www.freedomadvocates.org joins me to talk about BO’s executive orders and how they fit into the UN Agenda 21 game plan. Nationalization of the nation, Sustainable Communities and so much more … Continue reading

Monday March 19th Ron MacDonald and me

Monday March 19th Ron MacDonald  Ron joined me to discuss stuff. Just stuff.

Sunday March 18th Here an EO, there an EO, everywhere an EO…

Sunday March 18th Today I discussed the latest executive order from the BO. He likes making EO’s. Kinda reminds me of three little pigs…oops that’s  EI, EI, O….. wrong pig.