Tag Archives: Comprehensive Plan

Stealing land the smart growth way

This was a speech given in 2003 which is still relevant today,  10 years later; the only thing that has changed is the date. The land grab continues unabated, across the nation and the globe. Stealing land the smart growth … Continue reading

The “New Urbanism” explained

The New Urbanism is “communitarian speak” for the 21 century version of tenements, slums and  ghettos. It’s really the “old urbanism” they just call it new, tricky aren’t they?  What is the HCD? Housing and Community development agency. The HCD … Continue reading

Comprehensive plans & urban growth boundaries explained in 3 min.

     Joe Neal, South Carolina State Representative explains how “smart growth” embedded within Comprehensive Plans adopted by local government will encumber private property rights. He describes how “urban growth boundaries”  are arbitrarily created within plans which limit growth and development … Continue reading