Tag Archives: cap and trade

Wednesday August 1st The first dry run…Warren Duffy

Wednesday August 1st  Warren Duffy joins me to discuss the carbon trading scam which is to begin in California in November. His group www.Cfactsocal.org will be holding a protest on August 15th at the state capital in Sacramento from 11a-1pm PST. … Continue reading

Thursday April 26th Warren Duffy & Dr. Paugh The grand scam…

Thursday April 26th Hr 1 Warren Duffy joins me to discuss the cap & trade scam and how that will steal more of your $ while it will continue to enrich the the scam artists perpetrating it. It is always the same … Continue reading

Tuesday November 15th Warren Duffy www.cfactssocal.org

 November 15th Warren Duffy Warren Duffy, founder and president of CFACTSOCAL, has been a resident of California since 1969.  Having participated in the very first “Earth Day” (1970), he has observed a 40 year hijacking by global activists and alarmists … Continue reading