Tag Archives: anti-white

When will the singing begin?

Do you know what a White Privilege wristband is? http://eagnews.org/wisconsin-education-officials-want-students-to-wear-white-privilege-wristbands/ Here are articles tracking what they did. http://topconservativenews.com/2013/03/wisconsin-state-government-is-funding-hatred-against-white-people/ Of course now they claim they NEVER promoted this. They are backtracking because they were caught. http://topconservativenews.com/2013/03/wisconsin-dpi-on-the-run-after-calling-for-white-privilege-wristbands/ http://topconservativenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/privilege.pdf    Here is the … Continue reading

Let’s play a game.

I want to play a game. Will you join me? I am going to call it, “Who” is the the real oppressor?  I am going to post a link to a video and I want you to tell me who … Continue reading

Friday June 22nd Dr. Bob Whitaker What’s in a word?

Friday June 22nd  Dr. Bob Whitaker joins me to discuss  how words are used to  control what we think.  He created a message aka “mantra” which you can find at his website www.whitakeronline.org/blog   Don’t let them run over you with … Continue reading