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Recent Posts
- Stealing land the smart growth way December 6, 2013
- There’s always free cheese in a mouse trap. August 18, 2013
- Arrest THAT tomato!! August 16, 2013
- Out and about in your green ghetto- America 2050 August 1, 2013
- One Big Club and YOU ain’t in it! July 30, 2013
- Riding the green train into hell July 29, 2013
Tag Archives: Declaration of Independence
February 17th William Taylor Reil The “malady” of human nature…
February 17th William Taylor Reil William Taylor Reil joined me to discuss the “malady” of human nature, Amish Farmers growing food you want to eat, but our government wants to deny you and oaths of office no one bothers to … Continue reading
February 7th Paul Fromm Does free speech matter?
February 7th Paul Fromm Paul Fromm joins me to discuss free speech and the lack thereof. Is denying the unalienable right to free speech denying justice? Does free speech matter? His website is being revised so check back in a … Continue reading
Monday January 30th Comm. Rothschild talks green prints- Jeff Lewis & Rick Frey Will the real terrorists please stand up?
January 30th Comm. Rothschild, Jeff Lewis & Rick Frey Hr 1 Commissioner Richard Rothschild from Carroll County Md. joins me to discuss the Plan Maryland land grab signed by executive order by the Governor. This is designed to usurp local control … Continue reading
Wednesday January 25th Michael Shaw and the “property rights council” soviet
January 25th Michael Shaw Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates www.freedomadvocates.org joins me to discuss “property rights councils” which he and I both agree are just another “soviet” structure and are NOT the answer to the assaults on our property rights.
Wednesday January 18th Cdr. Compton & Bill Reil The reality of Real ID
January 18 Cdr Compton & Bill Reil Cdr Jim Compton and Bill Reil joined me today to discuss the Real ID Act which is being implemented via our Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Most people don’t know that it is … Continue reading
Monday January 9th Ronald MacDonald You have no right to your rights, anymore.
January 9th Ronald joins me again to discuss Administrative Law, what does it really mean, codes, permits, the FRB (Federal Reserve Bank) and how to begin to fight back. Listen in, he provided great information and insight. Did you know … Continue reading
Friday December 30th William Taylor Reil Posse Comitatus and you.
December 30th William Taylor Reil Bill Reil joins me to discuss Posse Comitatus, Sheriff Brigades, what are they and can you start one, and militias. The Pa. Militia was changed in 1850 to be called a “National” guard. How can … Continue reading
Friday October 14th William Taylor Reil
October 14th William Taylor Reil My guest was William Taylor Reil and we discussed the 2nd and the 14th amendments of the Constitution as well as, Constables and Sheriffs. There is a tab on my website with his name on … Continue reading
Wednesday September 28th William Taylor Reil
September 28th William Taylor Reil joins me again to discuss the Committee of 10 and county sheriffs. Listen in.
Wednesday September 21st William Taylor Reil
Semptember 21st William Taylor Reil is my guest again. We discussed the 14th amendment and the Supreme Court.
Friday September 16th William Taylor Reil
September 16th William Taylor Reil joins me again. The Declaration of Independence is the topic.
Wednesday September 14th Stewart Rhodes Oath Keepers
September 14th Stewart Rhodes www.oathkeepers.org Stewart Rhodes the founder of the organization “Oath Keepers” joins me to discuss his organization. Who are the Oath Keepers and how many will keep their oath? Let’s pray enough to save our great nation … Continue reading
Friday September 9th
September 9th William Taylor Reil is my guest and we discuss The Declaration of Independence and what the “consent of the governed means.
Friday September 2nd Sheriff Richard Mack
September 2nd Sheriff Richard Mack http://sheriffmack.com/ Sheriff Mack joins me again to discuss Judge Roll, Printz v US and the role of the sheriff in protecting YOU.