Monthly Archives: January 2013

If ‘Assault Weapons’ Are Bad…Why Does DHS Want to Buy 7,000 of Them for ‘Personal Defense’?

The Department of Homeland Security is seeking to acquire 7,000 5.56x45mm NATO “personal defense weapons” (PDW) — also known as “assault weapons” when owned by civilians. The solicitation, originally posted on June 7, 2012, comes to light as the Obama administration … Continue reading

All aboard the United Nations Cooperation Circles train to…your enslavement.

Cooperation circles sound just yummy, don’t they? After all, who doesn’t want to cooperate? But who is it you’ll be cooperating with and what is it about? There are all kinds of “cooperation circles” that one can “cooperate in”. Your … Continue reading

What is Community Oriented Policing? Whose spying on you?

Read this. Here’s an excerpt…read the entire article. … “If ‘Equality of Opportunity’ is to become a part of the American Dream, the traditional family must be weakened.” “In order to effect rapid change, one must mount a vigorous … Continue reading

Do you know the history of money? This documentary was done around 1995. You don’t know what you don’t know so it’s time to start finding out. Take the time to watch this documentary. It is long, but worth every second.  In times of an economic … Continue reading

Here today, gone tomorrow…population control

Population control isn’t just for the third world. You’re next. The strategies employed to eliminate you and your offspring are not unlike the Chinese torture Death By  A Thousand Cuts.  Slowly. Gradually. Methodically manipulating your world and everything in it.  … Continue reading


We are all approaching exit zero and only some of us know it, most of us don’t.   In March 1980, when the industrial firm Wisconsin Steel abruptly closed its main mill in southeast Chicago, longtime employee Charles Walley was … Continue reading

What will you do without freedom?

What would you do without freedom_ Will you try_     Please click on the link above. Please listen to and watch a short 2 min clip.

Who controls your mind?

In the book 1984, George Orwell warned that people were in danger of losing their freedom of mind without being aware of it while it was happening because of psychological, emotional and intellectual manipulation: Mind Control. The principles of mind … Continue reading

Who were the Bolsheviks aka “Reds” and what do they have to do with gun control?

  Who were the Bolsheviks?  It is CRITICAL that you know who they were. Read what Captain Schuyler wrote to Colonel Barrows in 1919 below. He was there and he tells you.   Capt_Schuyler_to_Colonel_Barrows-War_Dept_Siberia-1919-3pgs-GOV.sml Why do so few people know … Continue reading


  Americans Never Give Up Your Guns  These days, there are few few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating USA, but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to bare arms and use deadly force … Continue reading

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